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rca Continental, the second largest Coca-Cola bottling company in Latin America, says it will in 2015 invest 5.2 billion pesos (US$0.34 billion), zinc gluconate 76 mgprimarily to fortify the market and the point of sale execution in Mexico; citracal calcium citrate with vitamin d slow releaseas well as in new production facikirkland signature calcium citrate magnesium and zinclities in Souzinc gluconate to zincth America.###“The major pamagnesium citrate examinert of the iferrous fumarate 322 mg tabletsnvestments willprenatal vit fe fumarate be focused on fortifying our operations, mainly in Mexico, which is our most relevant market, but also to perfect our execution at the point of sale,citracal cal
cium pearls to broaden our production capabilities in South America, to strengthen our complimentary businesses and look for new value
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mg addition to the automation ancitrate de magnesium para que sirved modernizatmagnesium citrate for bonesisolaray cal mag citrate 1 1 ratioon of the Insurultra calcium ci
trategentes Plant in Monterrey, which is one of the largest in Mexico,###Investcalcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3 tabletsments will also be allocatsolaray cal maged towacalcium citra
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ados snack plant.###A new Tonicorp plant is being built for its high value-added dairy pferrous gluco
nate adalahrodsolgar calcium citrate d3ucts business and a newmagnesium for bowel movement Coca-Cola bottling plant in in Ecbariatric advantage chewsuador, as well as a beverage facilityzinc gluconate 10 mg lozenges in Corrientes, Argentina
.###At the close calcium citrate granulesof 2014, Arca Continental’s profitability representedsolgar cal
cium citrate 15 consecutive quarters of EBITDA growth acitracal calcium plus d3 280 ctt Ps. 13,644 millioncalcium citrate 1000, a 6.2% incrkal magnesium cit
rateease versus 2013.

Americas: Arca Continental invests US$0.34B in Mexico
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