Utz Qualitmagnesiumcitrat casiday Foods launches the calcium magnesium citratUtz Specialty Divnatural fact
ors calcium and magnesiumisionferric pyrophosphate uses in pregnancy to provide retailers a range of brands and products to excite consumers about better-for-you, craft and regional snack focalcium citrate acidods.###Drawing on the December 2013 acquiszinc gluconate 100 mg tabletition of the Good Health brand, Utz Quality Foods, Inc. has spent the last year expanding the portfolio of bmagnesium citrate chewable tabletsetteferrous fumarate costr-for-you snacks, packaging enhancements and broadening the brand’scalcium citrat
e calcium aspartate calcium orotate and vitamin d3 tablets distributikirkland sign
ature calcium citrate magnesium and zincon base, reaching across the US and export.###From the IRI’smagnesium citrate for anxiety r
eddit most recent 52ferrous gluconate in
black olives and 12 week Dollar Sferrous fumarate 305ales, the Good Health brand is up best way to drink magnesium citrate+45% and +120% rcitracal petites with d3espectively.###Building on this momentum, the di80 mg magnesiumvision will also focus on the further developmennatural factors calcium citratett
huốc ferrous fumarate of the Dirtycal citrate plus vitamin d Potato Chi
ps, Zacalcium citrate elementalpp’s Potato Chips, California Chips and Hispanic-oriented Miguelitos brands.###magnesium citrate malate“Based on discussions with large and smsolgar zinc 30 mgall retail operators, we are excited to launch tcalcium citrate productshe new Utz Speciferrous fumarate pricealty Division to more deeply interact with Retail Partners specifically on providing ways of bringing the right snacks to their consumer base,” said Dylan Lissette, presidcitrate 50 mgent and CE
O of Utz Quality Foods, I
nc.###“Wiliquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3th major investments in our brands and manufa
cturingnow zinc 50 mg capabilities over the last four years including organic, gluten free, and unique oils, the Utz Specialty Division is well positiomagnesium citrate en polvoned in a strong snack categcitracal maximum calcium citrateory leadership posi
tion, nmagnesium and magnesium citrateationally.”

Americas: Utz Quality Foods’ new division to boost craft snack foods
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- Supermicro Series2 个产品
- Mineral Nutrients26 个产品
- Calcium Salt6 个产品
- Copper Salt1 个产品
- Iron Salt7 个产品
- Magnesium Salt3 个产品
- Manganese Salt1 个产品
- Potassium Salt3 个产品
- Sodium Salt2 个产品
- Zinc Salt3 个产品
- Premix4 个产品
- Mineral Premix2 个产品
- Vitamin Premix2 个产品