Mondelez International cvs calcium citrate with vitamin dhas begun to make and sell Oreo biscuits innaturalslim magicmag the anti stress drink Morocco after investing almost US$11 million in a local production capacity to kirkland c
alcium citrate magnesium and zinc preciocrkirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3eate the company’s largest Oreo produccalcium citrate plus vitamin dtion line in Africa.###The investm
ent fe fumarate 200 mgaims to serve Morocco’s 34 million people and
expamagnesium citrate glycinate malatend the locafergon iron supplement 325 mgl biscuits market by generating more business for Mondelez International’s Morocco trade ferrous gluconate to elemental ironberkley jensen calcium citrate with vitamin d3partners.###Mondelecitracal slow release 1200 calciumz Ma
roc, Mondelez Internatcalcium citrate magnesium and zinc for pregnancyional’s local subsidiary, will have the capacity to make as many as 900 million Oreomagnesium citrate dietary supplement biscuits per year, or almost 2.5 million O
reo cookies per day in its Casablanca facility after completingferrum fumarate installation of the high-tech production line and stzinc gluconate 50 mg elementalarting up in March 2015.###If laid calcium citrate vit d3sidsundown calcium citratee bkirkland s
ignature calcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3y side, tferric pyrophosphate vitamin c folic acid vitamin b12hat’s enough Oreo biscuits in a year to str
etch nature made magnesium citrate softgels 120 countthe full length of Morocco more than 15 times.###Two years afbest calcium citr
ateter complcalcium citrate 1000 mg chewableetichelated iron gluconateng the acquisition
ofharga zinc picolinate and gluconate Biscuiterie Industrielle du Moghreb, the US$11 million investmenmagnesium citrate goodt in the Casablanca plant reinforces Mondelez International’s presence and interest in Morocco.###With the investment,lifetime liquid calcium magnesium citrate Mondelbariatric advantage
soft chewsez Maroc will make Oreo more available to Moroccans, offering itcalcium citrate 1250 mg in a range of attractive formats andferrous gluconate 324 mg elemental iron at pmagnesium citrate herbs of goldricing that Mor
occans can afford.###Capitachelated magnesium citratelizing
on itsvitamin d3 with calcium citrate large and074312120602 well-develocitracal calcium d3 slow release 1200ped distribution network, Mondelez Maroc intends to make Oreo widely accessible in traditiopure encapsulations calcium magnesiumcitr
atnal- and modern-trade stores.

World: Mondelez invests US$11M in Oreo factory in Morocco
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