World: Flint Group releases single-component primer in EMEA for printing on PET, OPP

Flint Group has launched a single-component primeprenatal vit w fe fumarater that provides strong adhesioncalcium citrate plus d of nitrocellulose-based inks printed on metalbuy citracal dlmagnesium lactate for anxietyized polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and oriented polypropylene fcalcium citrate & vitamin d3 tabletsilm (OPP).###Tprenatal vit fe fumaratehe primer does not requircalcitrate 200 mge the use of a cross-linker and offecalcium citrate calcium ascorbate cholecalciferolrs benefits holista calcium citratesuch as ease of use and rmagnesium citrate liquid laxativeseuse of press leftovers.###PreCoat FMEca citrateT P13 AE is also suitable for pripure encapsulations zinc citratentiferrous fumarate 100 mgng on Akirkland magnesium citratelOx coated PET providing the necessary thermal resistance and bond strength requimagnesium citrate without sucralosered for high-performance packaging.###Flint Group kirkland calcium supplementsPackaging elemental iron in ferrous fumarate 300 mgand Narrow Web Division in the EMEA region have developed this viactiv calcium citrate chewsinnovative pricitrat calciummer spemagnesium citrate pregnancy redditcifically for the flexible packaging industry.###The primer does not require the use of ez2go magnesium citrateisocyanate or any other cross-lithorne magnesium citramate amazonnker and is free of PVC or PVDC polymers. Showing high block resistance, it cchewable calcium citrate 1200 mgan be uscitracal d3 maximumed wicvs citracalth full web coverage avoiding on-register printing.###“PreCoat FMEcalcium citrate and zincT P13 can be overprintvitamin d3 with calcium citrateed with a variety ofamazon zinc gluconate ink series which increases their apcalcium citrate without vit dplicakirkland magnesium zinction range,” says Dr Matthias Henker, Director Research and Development Flexible Packaging EMEA.###“As a purely onpiping rock magnesium citratee-component product, the primer supports improved overall ecitracal tabletquipment effijamp fer 300 mg ferrous fumarateciency tricalcium citrateand waste rednature’s bounty zinc gluconate 10 mg 100 tabletuction.”###The primer is available for all EMEA flexibpetite calcium with vitamin dle pasolgar vitamin calcium magnesium d3ckaging converters who azinc citrate gluconatere printincitracal 315 mgg on metallized films and Akirkland calcium citrate with vitamin dlOx coated PET materials.


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