Asia Pacific: Plastic in nugget not from Cargill facilities after internal investigation

After an exhaustive investigamagnesium citrate and malatetiocarbamide forte alfalfa calcium tabletsn, Cargill says it is confident the blue, plastic foreign material recently remagnesium v magnesium citrateported in one McDonald&#magnesium citrate liquid laxatives8217;s Chimagnesium citrate detoxcken Nugget in Japan did not originate from Cargill’s production facilities.###The Cargiferrous fumarate v ferrous sulphatell investigation boron citrateincluded physical and chemical analysis, microscopic third-party lab analysis, agnc calciums well as a step-by-step search citracal calcium tabletsacross Cargill’s entire prcitracal calcium plus d slow release 1200oduction facility.###While the company investigated multiple potential blue plastic materials found in their productpuritan’s pride magnesium citrate 210 mgion facilities and procalcium citrate 600 vitamin d 400cesses, chemical and physical analysis revealkirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc amazoned that the type of plastic found in the nzinc gluconate 85 mgugget does not exist in the Cargmolybdenum citrateill production plants in Thailand.###“Addferrous fumarate 10 mgitional data points revealed during the investigation such as; the length of the blue plastic film, lab analkirkland calcium magnesium zinc d3ysis results lacking clear indicatberkley jensen calcium citrateions associated with heating and a review of the recperbedaan zinc picolinate dan glycinateords of our Fbuy calcium citrateood Safety and Quality Assurance Programs suggest that this plastic film found in the nugget was not impacted as would be expected by our meat grinding and cooking processes,” said Chuck Warta, president, Cargill Meats Thailand.###“Wsolaray cal mag citrate are very confident that thecalcium petites plascalcium citrate 1200 mg without vitamin dtic film in the nugget occurred outside of our prodbariatric advantage chewable calciummagnesium citrate for palpitationsuction plant.”###&#822citracal calcium citrate d30;We are alsolgar calcium d3waynature made magnesium citrate 250 mg softgelss striving to reduce risks incitracal petites walgreens our produtaking magnesium citrate at nightction processes,” he said.###&elemental calcium in 1000 mg calcium citrate#8220;We are going to increase our invenow magnesium citrate 200 mgstferretts 325ments in additional x-ray machines and additionalferrous fumarate prescription resources at our visual inspecferrous gluconate pricetion points at our Thailand facilities.”###“Producing safe, high-quamagnesium calcitratelity food is our top priority.zinc sulfate and zinc gluconate This means we must embrace every issue as an opportunitferrous fumarate 100 mgy to deeplmagnesium citrate liquid rite aidy review each step in our food production processes to insure we deliver safe, deliccalcium citrate 950 mg elemental calciumious food to our customers and consumers,” added Vares Ransibrahmanakul, Food Safety & Quality Assurance director, Cargill Meats Thailand.


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