Americas: Hershey exceeds sustainable cocoa goals in 2014

The Hecitracal multivitaminrshey Company says 30% of its globally sourced cocoa was independently cerbest chewable calcium citrate supplementtified and verified, whcalcium citrate vitamin d 315 250ich reflects its progress in achievicitracal maximum plus calcium citrate d3ng its goal of magnesium citrate for utisourcing 100% of its cocoa supply from certified and sustainable cocoa farms by 2020.###The announcemetrader joe’s calcium citratent follows the company’s 2013 achievement of sourcing 18% certified cocoa globally, neairon ferrous fumarate 60 mgrly double its ojamp fer 300 mg ferrous fumarateriginal goal of 10 peheb calcium citratercent for tliquid calcium citratehe first year of its 2020 commitment.###Given its accelerated momentum toward 100 pcalcium citrate 1000 mg elemental calciumercent cermagnesium lactate reviewstified and sustainable cocoa, Hershey alscitrate lemono announced a new target to source at least 50% certified cocoa by thecalcium citrate malate 1250 mg end of 2015, reaching its 2016 goal okirkland citrate magnesium and zincf 40% and 50% one year ahead of schedule.###“Sourcincalcium citrate 1250 mgg sustainable cocoa is a key part of our 21stCentury Cocoa Sustainabilmagnesium citrate uspity Strategy, whcalcium 630 mgich focuses on programs that improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers, their families and cocoa communities around the world,” said Terry O’Day, senior VP and chief supply chain ofbeda magnesium glycinate dan citrate21st century calcium d3ficer.###“We are proud of our rapid progress in just two years annature’s way magnesium citrated our alignmensolaray calcium citrate chewable 1000mgt with the industry’s efforts to address the challengeprenatal vit fe fumarates in cocoa growing regions through thsprouts calcium citratee CocoaAction initiative led by the World Csolgar zinc 30 mgocoa Foundation.”###“Together, the cocoa and chocferrous gluconate supplementolate industry can bring training thatelemental zinc in zinc citrate helps imprsolgar calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3ove livellifetime magnesium citrateihoods, gender equality and provide health and farm safety programs to benefit these comm150 mg magnesiumunities,” he says.###Hershejamp ferrous fumarate 300 mgy is currently magnesium citsourcing certicalcitrate 200 mgfied cocoa through three of the world’s largest and most recognized iron pyrophosphatecocoa certifications: UTZ Certified, Fair Trade USA and Rainforest Alliancecitrate de calcium vitamin d3 Certified.###In 2014, citrus magnesium near meHershey has been expanding its work with industry partners to build sustzinc picolinate and gluconate adalahainablgastric sleeve calcium citratee fa10 oz of magnesium citraterm training thrxymogen magnesium citrateough the Hershey Learn to Grow program in Ghana, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire.###In the same year, the company announced that ferrous fumarate and ferrous sulphatemore than 19,000 cocoa farmers inferrous gluconate 325 Cote d’Ivoire will be enrolled in Lecitracal for osteoporosisarn to Grow agricultural athorne research zinc citratend community traincalcium citrate d3 petitesing programs.###Thsam’s club calcium citrateese effferrous fumarate 200 mgorts have led to an increase in certified farms and verified sustainable cocoa, which will contribute to Hershey’ thuốc ferrous fumaratesourcing 100% cocoa that is certified and originates from sources that have bekirkland signature calcium citrate 500mg 500 tabletsen independently audited and verified for apure encapsulations magnesium citrateppropriate farming, labor and environmental practices.


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