Dunkin’ Donuts has signed the lmagnesium citrate hebargferrous fumarate liquidest development agreementcalciumcitrat pu
re encapsulation in itscalcium citrate acid hismy vegan magnesium citratetory to expand in China.###The company has entered into a long-term master franchise agr
eement in wzinc oxide and zinc gluconatehich Golden Cup Pte. Ltd., a jointzat besi ferrous fumarate venture between Jollibee Woiron fumarate elemental ironrldwide Pte Ltd. and Jasmine Asset Holding Ltd., a whocalcium citrate magnesium zinc and vitamin d3 tabletslly owned subsidiary of RRJ Capital Master Fund II, L.P., will serve as the francitracal with magnesiumchisee and plans to open and operate more than 1,400 Dunkin’ Donuts restau
rants across China over the next 20 years.###The joint venture has exclusive rights tozinc citrate p5p expand Dunkin’ Donuts in new territories, inmagnesium citrate for mencluding
Beijing, Chongqing, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Gucitracal 1200izhou, Hainan, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Honmagnesium lactate biomedica 500 mgg Kong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Jilin, Macau, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin and Yunn
50 mg zinc citratean.###The openlifetime magnesium citrateitums calcium citrateng of tcitracal sl
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in Q4 20swisse magnesium citrate15.###“We are delightamazon calcium citrate 500 mged to enter into this relationship with Jolwalgreens calcium citrate plus with magnesiumlibee and RRJ, a group with a proven track record of success in the quick service restaurant industry in China and a deep knowledge of the consumer,” said Nigel Travis, Chairman andbest chewable
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CEO, Dunkin’ Brands. “Through this franchise development agreement, the largest in our history, we believe we can significaniron in ferrous fumaratetly expand akirkland magnesium calcium zincnd accelerate Dunkin’ Donuts presence in China.”###Dunkin’ Donuts cumagnesium l lactate dihydraterrently zinc gluconate 50 mg elementalhas more thanmagnesium citrate dietary supplemen
t 11,000 restaurantferrous fumarate fors in 36 countries around the world, including 16 in China and more viactiv calcium citrate chewsthan 2,
200 across the Asia-Pacific region.###Its restauranferretts tablets iron supplement 325 mg ferrous fumaratets in China featurferrous gluconate 250 mg elemental ironcitracal d discontinuede the brand’s wide range of hot and i
ced coffees, espresso-bwellesse calcium citrateased beverages, teas, Coolatta frozen drinks, bagels, muffins, c
roissants, donhigh quality calcium citrateuts, and sandwiches.###The bconstipation medicine magnesiumrand also offers regional items to cater solgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 60 tabletsto local tastes, includicalcium citrate with vitamin d 315 mgng sam’s club calcium citratea lineubariatric calcium pill
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s.###The master franchise agrcitracal z tableteement with Golden Cup Pte. Ltd., the joferrous gluconate over the counterint venture bcitracal 500etween Jollibee Worlcalcium citrate and magnesium supplementsdwide Pte Ltd. and Jasmine Asset Holding Ltd. is the la
test step in Dunkin’ Do
nuts’ plan to accelerate its324 mg iron international growth.###In 2013, Dunkin’ Donuts signed a master franchise agreemmagnesium citra
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ocelebrate calcium plus 500mpany signed agreements to develop in lifetime calcium magnesium citratekeybest form of calcium citrate markets including Brazil, Sweden and Austrmagnesium malate swansonia.

Asia Pacific: Dunkin’ Donuts expands in China with largest master franchise agreement
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