Frutarom Industries Ltd. has signed an agreement to purchase the shares of Vitiva of Slovendr berg calcium citrateia (Vitiva) for a cliquid citrateaszinc citrate 50h payment of apfergon iron cvsproximately US$1
0 ferrous glutamatemillion.###The
transacmagnesium malate citrate glycinatetionmagnesium citrate nutrition will be completmagnesium citra
te daily supplemented overdyna ferrous fumarate tablet 200mg themagnesium citrate 500 mg coming weeks.###Vitiva specializes in the research and development, production, marketing and sales of specialty natural extracts from plants exhibiting antioxidant activity or scientifically proven health attributes backed up bybuy magnesium citrate near me clinical studies and of natural colors for customers in the food, phar
maceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmetics zinc citrate supplement Its revbluebonnet calcium citrate plus magnesiumenues have gsynthroid and calcium citraterown from US$8.7 million in 2013 to approximately US$11 million for thvitamed ferrous fumaratee 12-month period ending November 2014 (27%
increase).###Its activity will
be integrated wcvs calcium citrate d3 with magnesiumitfergon 325hin the framework of Frutarom&
#82calcium carbonate citrate17;s specialty fine ingredcalcium citrate vitamina dients divkal calcium citrate d 3 1000ision.###Vitiva has been extracting actifood high in magnesium citrateve elefergon 325 mgments frozinc gluconate copperm plants (particularly rbayer calcium c
itrateosemary, olive and citrcalcium carbonate v
calcium citrateus, among others).###Such capabilities will help ultra cal citrateFrutarom expand itscalcium citrate chews portfolio of naturalbest calcium citrate 1200 mg products for the food industry as wellcitrate with vitamin d as calcium citrate maximumin the fields
health and cosmetics.###In addition, Vitiva has researc
h and devethorne calcium citratelopment abilities and a pool of knowledge based on research fthorne magnesium citrateor continuing to expand its current product portfolio and toward entry into okirkland vitamins calcium citrate magnesium and zincthecitracal calcium plus d3r fiellife extension calcium citrateds such as the field of pet food and livestoc
k feed preservation.###Combinifusion calcium soft chewsng these abilities with Frutarom’s capabilities in the field of antioxidants, particularly in the area
of food preservation and protection and lengthening shelf life bkirkland signature calcium magnesium zincased on natural ingredien
ts, will even further strengthen Frutarom’s position as a leamagnesium citrate buy onlineding player in R&D, production, and saleblue bonnet calcium magnesiums fmagnesium citrate drinkor these types of solutions.###The natural food colors actferrous fumarate deutschivity will join the natural food colors acitracal calcium costcoctivity by Montana Food which was acquired by Frutarom in September 2
014, advancing 10 oz citrate of magnesiathe implementation of Frutarom’calcium citrate caramel chews;s strategy of penetration into this bcalcium lactate 250 mgurgeoning field with the intention of continuing to invest in a major expansion of its global activity in this growing

Europe: Frutarom to acquire Vitiva for US$10M
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