Americas: Hershey showcases 3D printing technology

The Hershey Company, in partnershipzinc citrate 30 mg solgar with 3D Systems, announced the December 19 debut of its three diwow magnesium citratemensisolgar vitamin calcium magnesium d3osolgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 60 tabletsn (3-D) Chocolate Candy Printingfersamal liquid exhibit at Hershey’s Chocolate World Attraction.###“We are wls calciumcitratnow using 3-D technology to bring Hershey goodness to consumercitracal 250mg 120 tabletss in unanticipated and exciting ways,” said Will lifetime calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3Papa, chief researcnatural factors zinch and development officer, The Hershey Ccalm mag citrateompany.###“3-D printing gives consumers nearly endless possibilities for personalizing their ccitracal without vitamin dhocolamagnesium citrate glycinatete, azinc gluconate oxide aspartatend our exhibit will be their first chance to see 3-D chocolate calcium citrate with vitamin d chewscandy printing in actitwinlab calcium citrate caps plus magnesiumon.”###At the events, visitors witnbest magnesium citrate for constipationessed live 3-D pwellness calcium citraterinting and examples of finished products, interact with a library of 3-D graphics pre-loadcalcium citrate elemental calciumed on iPads and be scanned to see what they would look like as a piece onature’s way calcium and magnesium citratefzat besi ferrous fumarate 3-D chocolate.###“We are committed to democratizingcalcium citrate 1200 mg 3-D printsolgar calcium magnesium with vitamin d3 liquiding, making this game-ferrous iron tabletschanging technology accferrous fumarate pills birth controlessible anzinc citrate solarayd engaging for everyone,” said Chuck Hull, founder and CTO, 3D Systems.###One of Hershey’s goals is to gather knowledge and insights direc27 mg ferrous gluconatetly fbuy magnesium citraterom consumers aftcalcium caltrate for pregnanter they experience tprenatal vit fe fumaratehe interactivcalcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3e exhibit.###Through a survey presented on a large tsolaray citrate de magnesiumouchscreen, consummagnesium citrate when to takeers will magnesium citrate shelf lifehave the opportunity to share their preferences on customization options aperrigo iron tabletsnd prferrous gluconate shoppersoduct design.###This inforcitracal for osteopeniamatbariatric advantage chewsion will influferrous gluconate 325 mg cvsence the final technology and business model for a cobluebonnet magnesium citrate liquidmmercial 3-D chocolate ccholine citrate magnesiumandy printing experience.


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