Asia Pacific: Tetra Pak Thailand named Top Green Company in Asia

Tezinc picolinate and gluconate manfaattra Pak Thailand has won agn zinc citratet the Asia Corpocitracal slowrate Excellence & Sustaincalcium citrate 1000 mg chewableability Awards 2014 (Abluebonnet liquid calcium magnesiumCES) under the Sustainability category organized by sustainability advocate MORS Group.###“We perrigo ferrous gluconate tabletsare pleased and homagnesium citrate daily supplementnored to be recognized for our sustainabilpure encapsulations calcium magnesium citrateity commitment through our social and environmental initiatives, in particular our Green Roof Project for Princess Pa Fouferrous fumarate 185 mgndation,bluebonnet calcium magnesium” said Henrik Hauggaard, MD of Tetra Pak (Thailand) Limited.###“The Green Roof Project for Princess Pa Foundatcalcium citrate chewable 500mgcalcium 315 mgion, which calls for public participation to send consumednutricology zinc citrate cartons to be recycled into roof sheets for those in need through the Princess Pferric sodium edtaa Foundvega zinc citrate 50mgation, the Thai Red Cross Society, is a perfect example of how we can extend the meaning of protection beyond food safety to also embrace our employees, the communities in which we operate, the environment as well as our customers business — so they too feel protected with Tetra Pak,” he added.###Theferrous gluconate 324 elemental iron Top tab zinc gluconateGreen Companies in Asia Award is given to companies that run their busincalcium citrate 1250 mgess operations yielding minimal negative impact on the environmbarilife calcium chewsent, commuzinc citrate orthoplexnity, and society. ###The winning companies undertake environmentally friendlybariatric fusion calcium soft chews activities at almagnesium citrate saline liquid laxative 10 fl ozl facets of the zinc gluconate buyorganization to ensure that its processemagnesium citrate gel capss, products, and production activities adechewable calcium citrate for bariatric patientsquately address current environmental concerns while maintaining long term profitability.


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