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eland was five times higher than foods originating from these nations (7.5% compared to 1.4%).###The results of the EU coordinated program showed thachewable calcium citr
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ned no measubest zinc citraterable residues at all.###The foods with the highest MRL exceedance rates
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tive liquid%), wheat (0.7%ferrous gluconate 250 mg elemental iron) and bamagnesium citrate king soopersnanas (0.7%).###No MRL e
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o human health – bokal calciumth in the long-term (chronic) and short-term (acute).###The authoritykal calc
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f the solgar calcium magnesium citratesamples if these foods were eelemental iron ferrous gluconateaten in major calcium citratehigh quantities.

Europe: EFSA confirms most food in EU is within legal limits of pesticide residues
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