Europe: Huber Packaging Group to buy Crown’s tinplate packaging locations

Huber Packaging Gromagnesium citrate for gut healthup will acquire Crown general line tcalcium citrate and magnesium supplementsinplate packaging locations in Switzerland (Aesch), Finland (Helsinki), Great Britain (Liverpool) and France (Rouen), as soon as the local and European consultation procedures (if applicable) and necessary formalities have vitamin citratebeen completed. The acquisitiocalcium citrate vitamin cn is scheduled to close by the calcium citrate puritan’s prideend of the first quarter of 2015.###The parties have agreed not to disclonature’s bounty calcium citratemagnesium citrate good for anxietyse information about financial details and purchalife magnesium citratesezinc gluconate and zinc picolinate priceliquid magnesium citrate near me.###“With this acquisition, we are actively pushing ahead with the consolidation of the Europcal citrateean tinplate packaging market and are significantly expanding our positvitabright magnesium citrateion in thferrous fumarate supplemente chemical-technical tinpferretts 325 mg tabletlate packaging business withincalcitrate 200 mg Europe,” says Thomas H. Hagen, chairman of the management board of Huber Packaging Group.


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