calcium d3 solgarJBS has acquired the glocalcium 60 mgbal operationmagnesium citrate in stores of Australia’s Primo Smallgoods Group for A$ 1.45 billion ferric pyrophosphate vitamin c fo
lic acid vitamin b12 tablets(sisu zincUS$1.25 billion) in an all-cash deal that is still subject to approval from local regulators.###The Primo Group was created zinc gluconate targetin 1985 and leads the Australvitacost magnesium citrateian and New Zealacalcium citrate 250 mgnd markets for processed products such as ham, sausages andzinc picolinate ou gluconate bacon. I
t owns a number of brands such as Primo Smallgoods, Hans, Bmagnesium citramate thorneeehive, H
unter Valley Quality Meats and Primo Quality Meats.###The Primoliquid calcium and magnesium Group has more than 4,000 employees and five producalcium citrate forction u
nits, sevenascorbic acid ferrous fumar
ate distribution centers and 30 rezinc citrato solaraytail okirkland magnesium calcium zincutlets.###The ccitracal calcium citrate d3 petitesompany has forecast 2015 revenues (kirkland calcium citrate magnesiumthe July/14-June/15 fiscal year) of US$1globifer forte ferrous fumarate.6 billion and earnings bferrous fumarate pharmacyefore interest, taxes, depreciat
ion and amorti
zation of US21st century calcium d3$150 million.###JBS citracal slow release 1200 amazonexpe
cts the trans
anow magnesium citrate 200 mgctioferrous gluconate walmart canadan to provide about A$30 million infe pyrophosphate synferrous fumarate 200ergies, which would raise projected 2015 EBITDA to A$180 million.###“In line with our global strategy to increacalcium citrate without magnesiumse exposure for high value added products solaray magnesium citrateand brandscalcium citrate tablet 500 mg, the Priferrous fumarate 305gmo acquisition, which involves the largest company best calcium citrate supplement for womenin the sector with a number of leading brands, represents a major growth opportunity for our Australian b
usiness given the significant annual growth recorded by food products and the ability to drive Primo Group sales through the export mark
et”, said Wesley Batista, JBS’ global CEO.

Asia Pacific: JBS acquires Australia’s Primo Smallgoods Group for US$1.25B
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