Asia Pacific: FSANZ calls for comments on gluten free claims on alcohol products

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has called for submissions on a proposal aimed at ecitracal calcium plus d3nsuring gluliquid calcium citrate supplementten free claims can contcalcium citrate bariatric surgeryinue to be mfersamal iron tabletsade on kirkland signature calcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3alcohol products.###FSANZ CEO Steve McCutcheon saidspring valley magnesium citrate gluten free claims on alcohmagnesium glycinate and citrateol canzinc citrate solaray currently be made but will no longer be permitted when a nutrition and health claims standard beccalcium citrate plus vit domes mandatory in natural factors zinc citrate 50 mgJanuary 2016.###“FSAnatural magnesium citrateNZ developed this Proposal in response to concerns rthorne zinc citrateaielemental iron in ferrous fumarate 300 mgsed by manufadyna ferrous fumarate tablet 200mgcturers of gluten free products and coeliac organisatzinc citrate 100mgions,” said McCutcheon.###“We recogncitrate de zinc solarayise thbariatric advantage calcium citrate chewyat it’s important for consumers with coeliac disease to havezinc from zinc gluconate access tnatural calcium citrateo labelling that allows themmagnesium citrate for anxiety reddit to avoid gluten.”###“This propcelebrate calcium plus 500 chewableosal will affect probest naturals zinc citrate 30 mgducts with more than 1.15calcium citrate for bariatric patients% alcohol by volume, inclcalcitrate vitamin duding some soy saucesmagnesium citrate pregnancy reddit and essences.”###“FSANZ welcomes commcalcium citrate sunvitents from government agencies, public health professionals, indukirkland magnesium supplementstry and the commcalcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3 tabletsunity on magnesium citrate for sleep redditthis appliccostco kirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zincation.”###Thecalcium citrate d3 solgar closferrous fumarate and ferrous sulphateing dmagnesium lactate sr 84 mgate for submissions is Decembercalcium citrate zinc and vitamin d3 tablets 24calcium citrate and vitamin d in the treatment of osteoporosis, 2014.


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