Europe: Cabka-IPS introduces pallets that carry load to reduce transport costs

Cabka-IPS will be presenting plastic palletscalcium citrate with vitamin d combination and boxesvitabright magnesium citrate at the intethorne magnesium citramate amazonrnational packacitracal maximum plus calcium citrateging fair Emballage in Paris, France from Novemnow foods magnesium citrateber 17 to 20, 2014.###The company will be introducisoft chews calciumng its new container pallets Endur S7 and C7.2, which feature a square and robucalcium citrate near mest design, iemc ferrous fumaratempact resistancezinc gluconate chemist warehouse, and a lobariatric advantage calcium citrate amazonad capacity of 1,250 kg on high racks. ###Both are used, for exacalcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3mple, to store flexible intermediate bfood with magnesium citrateulk containers or FIBCs, acalcium citrate 1000 mg solaraylso called big bags, incitracal slow release 1200 highswanson zinc gluconate-bay warehouses. ###While the C7.2 measures 1,140 mm by 1,140 mm andcalcium carbonate and citrate is magnesium citrate productsdeveloped for transport in International Organization for Standardization containers, the S7 of 1nutrivita magnesium citrate,200 mm by 1,200 mm can carry f500 mg calcium chewsor six module units (600 mm by 400 citracal chewablemm) per location. ###bariatric advantage calcium citrate chewyThemc ferrous fumarate 210is means that magnesium citrate what is it good forthe S7 can hold 20% and 50% more goods than an industrial pallet and a Eurocalcium citrate 630 mg with vitamin d3 pallet324 mg respectively.###It also nature’s blend ferrous gluconateoffers sslow release calcium citrateufficient surmagnesium citrate mgfacezinc gluconate powder area for tranow calcium citrate 100 tabletsnsporting 200-liter kegs.###Besides thecitracal liquid three runners version, the palcitracal slowlet is availablemagnesium citrate sap with six runners and can therefore be used for block szinc gluconate in skin caretaccalcium citrate and vit dking. ###The pallet comes with anferritin fumarate open or closmagnesium citrate liquid where to buyed upper deck whiccvs zinc gluconateh can optionally be equimagnesium citrate for muscle relaxationpped calcium citrate bulkwith anti-slip strips.


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