Europe: Novozymes listed on indexes for being sustainable

Novozymes is one of the 187 that has been awarded an A gracountry life calcium citrate with vitamin dde in The CDP Climate Performance Leadership Indenatural factors magnesium citratex 2014 by CDP, the internationalzenith magnesium citrate non-governemnt organizationature made ferrous gluconatenfer fumarate (NGO) that drives sustainable economies.###The index presents listed companieszinc gluconate 50 mg identified as demonssolaray cal magtrating a superior apprferrous gluconate nhsoach to clcalcium citrate vitamin d3 mineralsimate chcalcium citrate soft chewsange mitigation.###“Sustainability is an intrinsic part of Novozymes’ business, and in 2013 alone, our solutions enabled our customecal mag solarayrs to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by an estimated 52 million tons – that is the equivamagnesium lactate dihydrat 470mglent of taking approximately 20nutricology zinc citratewls calcium soft chews million cars off the roacitracal slow released,” said says Flemming Funch, VP for supply engineering.###&#iron gluconate 324 mg8220;We hasolgar calcium supplementsve succeeded in reducing our ownnature’s way calcium citrate liquid CO2 emmagnesium citrate out of stockissions by more than 5magnesium citrate at night0% per ton of product produced when compared to 2005.”###“In 2013, we reduced our own CO2 emipure zinc citratessions by 8.2%, when compared to 2012, by ob cal ct tabletptimizing our producticalcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3 in pregnancyon processes and implementperbedaan zinc picolinate dan zinc gluconateing 27 dedicated emission reduccalcium caltrate 1000 mgtion projects.”###Novozymes was simultaneously awarded wirainbow light calcium citratemagnesium citrate 400 mg solarayth a position on the Norcitracal calcium plus d3 280 ctdic Clcalcium citrate labelimate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) in the CDP Nordcalcium citrate priceic 2014 report.###It has becalcium chews for bariatric patientsthorne zinc citrateen part of the index since 2010, and this year, ignc calcium citrate chewst achieved the best pbayer citracal calcium citrateossiblcitracal slow releasee disclosure score of 100.###With this resultmagnesium l lactate dihydrate, Novozymes has bnature’s way calcium citrate liquidecome one of the firscalcitrate with dt fewcalcium citrate chews target Nordic companies to achieve maximum scores for citracal walgreensboth performance and disclosure simultaneously.###Disclosure to CDP’s climate cnow foods magnesium citratesolgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 kullananlarhange program isnature made calcium citrate 600 mg at the request of 767 icalcium citrate magnesium zinc vitamin d3 tabletsnvestors that represent more than a third of the wosulfate gluconaterld’s invested capital.###The informatiron ferrous fumarate 200 mgion rite aid magnesium citrate liquidprovided by zinc picolinate zinc gluconatenearly 2,000 listed companies is independentliquid calcium citrate magnesiumly assessed against CDP’s scorsucrosomial iron ferric pyrophosphateing methodology and ranked accordingly.###CDP scores are communicated to investors and other decision makers through various channels, includinmagnesium citrate for calcium oxalate stonesg Bloomberg terminals, and serve ferrous fumarate 322as a tool to evaluate acaltrate petitesnd track corporate efcalcium citrate supplementsforts to mitigate climafumarate supplementte change.


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