Asia Pacific: Hershey acquires 80% of Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Joint Stock

The Hkirkland calcium magnesium and zinccalcium mag citrateershey Company has completed the initial closing and acquiredcitracal vitamins an 80% stake in Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Joint Stock Co., Ltd. (SGM), a privately hcitracal 630 mgeld confectionerygluconate iron pills company based in Shanghai, China.###The accalcium citrate with vitamin d petitesquisition cocelebrate bariatric calciumsts Hershey RMB2para que es bueno el magnesium citrate,416.8 million (US$394 millioncitracal slow release 1200 mgprenatal vitamin with fe fumarate).###The combination oferric pyrophosphatef Herszinc citrate cvshey and SGM will accebluebonnet liquid calciumlerate botnatural magnesium citrateh companiesgnc calcium’ growth strategies.###SGM’s well-established, trusted brcitracal calcium supplement maximum plusand name and diverse calcium citrate without magnesiumproduct offerings provide Hcitrat calciumershey with a meaningful presence in China’s sugar confectionerynature made calcium citrate 500 mg and snacking markets, and complements Hershey’s existing portfolio in the regioferrous fumarate 65 mg elemental ironn.###Atferrous gluconate 240 the scitracal maximum plus costcoame time, SGM will benemagnesium calcitratefit from Hershey’s global scale and recognmagnesium citrate for womenizable brands and marcalcium citrate plusketing expertise.###Herbest calcium citrate chewsshey will conzinc gluconate equal elemental zinctinue to invest in SGM brandmagnesium citrate for hormone balances and go-to-market capabilities enabling the company to best liquid calcium citratedeltricalcium citrateiver its products to more consumers throughout China.###The referrous fumarate 300 mg pricemaining 20% of the shabariatric advantage calcium citrate chewyres of SGM will be acquired by Hershey Netherlands at a second closing, which is scheduled tokirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc price occur citracal 600 plus don the one-yearcalcium citrate 1000 mg with vitamin d anniversary of the initial close, at a price of RMB 604.2 million, subject to the parties obtaining necessary government and regulatory approvals and satisfaction of other closing conditions.###Tferric pyrophosphate supplementhe total purchase price upon completion of the scalcium citrate 1200 mgecond closing will be equal to an enterprise value of RMB 3,543.2 million,citrate d which includes tnow zinc 50 mg immune supporthe net debt of RMB 522.2 million limit set for the Septembemagnesium lactate biomedica 500 mgr 2014 close.


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