Mondelez International announced plans to invest US$90 million in buibluebonnet liquid calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3lding a biscuit plant in the Kingdom solaray cal mag citrate 1 1 ratioof Bahrain to meet rising demand in thmagnesium citrate 100e Middle magnesium citrate and zinc supplementEast and Africa for its brands such as Oreo, Ritz and TUvitamin shoppe
magnesium citrateC biscuits.###The investment is part of the compacalc
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with vitamin d3vention expected to deliver US$3 billicitracal pillon in gross-productivity savings, US$1.5 billion in net savingsviactiv calcium citrate chews and US$1 billion in incremental cash over the next three years.###With full commercial production scheduled to start in earlyferrous fumarate deutsch 2016, the planned facility will be the
company’s most advanced manufacturing site in tgnc calcium citrate plus with magnesium & vitamin d3he Middle East and Africa, where demand for its biscuits has been gcitracal plu
s magnesiumrowing celebrate vitamins calcium citrate soft chewsat doubbariatric advantage calciumle-digit rates.###In the initial two- to three-ynatural fac
tors zinc citrate 15mgear phase, the new plant will operate
four biscuit-manufcalcium citrate petite with vitamin d 3acturinkirkland magnesium tabletsg lines with a tzinc gluconate uspcalcium citrate zinc and vitamin d3 tabletsotal capacity of nearly 90,000 tons per year.###The company saysfersaday tablets this is the equcalcium citrate medic
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;This inferrous fumarate 325 mg oral tabletvestment in Bahrain is part of our ongoing sucalcium citrate masonpply-chain reicalcitrate with vitamin dnvention plan,” said Dmagnesium citr
ate the same as magnesiumaniel Myers, executive VP, icitracal calcium supplementntegrated supply chain.###“We’re implemenzinc citrate orthoplexting several succitracal calcium dh initiatives around the world to capitalize on growing demand, while also reducing costs and ferrous calcium citrate 100 mg and folic acid tabletsimproving productiron pills ferrous fumarateivity. WeR
17;re pleased with our
progress in regions, such as Mexico and Indibluebonnet liquid calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3a, where we’ve already begun to invest.”###Tmetagenics mag citratehe new plant wicalcium citrate for bariatric patientsll create about 300 direct jobs by the end of the initialcal mag citrate phase and, through a multiplicalcium citrate 300 mger effect, help sustain more than bluebonnet
liquid calcium magnesium1,000 peop
le in the local economy.###Aimed at mecitrate 1000 mg tableteting demacitracal fornd in the Middle East and Africa for next 20 yearscalcium citrate
calcium aspartate calcium orotate and vitamin d3 tablets, the facility has the potential to generate several hundred more direzinc gluconate bulkct jobs and sustain thousands of indirect
jobs depending onferrous fumarate 140mg 5ml future investment-decisions.###Tsolgar liquid calcium magnesium citrate wi
th vitami
n d3he Government of Bahrain is reclaiviactiv calcium citrateming the necessary land for construction ofcitracal 630 mg the new plant, with gkal calciumroucalcium citrate with vitamin d liquidnd being made available to Mondelez International as early as December 2014.###The pzinc citrate 100mglot buy magnesium citrate liquidsize of more than magnesium magnesium citrate250,000zinc citrate to elemental
zinc sqm, which is the equivalentkalm assur
e magnesium of 30 football pitches.###This is Mondele
z Internmagnesium citrate saline liquid laxativeational’s second, major incitracal calcium citrate petites storesvestm
ent in Bahrain, after having invested more citracal creamy bitesthan US$75 million in developing a Kraft Cheese and Tang powdcitrate de magnesium 150 mgered-beverage plsolaray calcium citrate plusant that has been operational since 2008.###With a productiobest calcium citrate supplementn capacity of 110,000 tons per year, the existing facility employs more th
an 24walgreens zinc gluconate0 people and
hasferrous fumarate 600 mg injected over US$250 million in the local economy since constcalcium citrate d 315 200ruction through wages, and purchase of goods and servmagnesium citrate and vitamin cices.

World: Mondelez International to build US$90M biscuit plant in Bahrain
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