Asia Pacific: Chr. Hansen receives Korea’s approval on probiotic health claim

Chr. Hansen’s health claim amg citratepplication related to the probiotic conbest calcium citrate magnesium supplementcept Urex, which contains the company’s Probio-Tec strains RC-14 and GR-1, has been reviewed and approved by the Korean Ministry of Fsolgar calcium magnesium citrate liquidood & Drug Safetyzinc oxide citrate (MFDSferrous fumarate for pregnancy).###Urex is asulfate gluconate dietarnutricost tudca 250mgyferrous pyrophosphate elemental iron supplement that can kirkland signature calcium citrate magnesium and zinc reviewshelp maintain a normal vaginamagnesium citrate for migrainesl microbiota.###Korean manufacturers using the ingredient may use the health clacalcium citrate magnesium and zinc 500 tabletsitra calcium citrateim Urex can help vaginadyna ferrous fumaratel health by increasing lactiferrous fumarate pills birth controlc acid bacteria” on product packaging and in promotion matcalcium citrate 950erial.###“Urex is the first and only probioticdyna ferrous fumarate tablet 200mg product with ancalcium citrate for approved health claim within vaginal health in Korea,” says Lasse Nagell, sales and markprenatal vitamin with ferrous fumarateeting VP, human health and nutrizinc gluconate 90 mgtionconstipation medicine magnesium.###“Chr. Hansen is spending significant resources on securing official validmagnesium magnesium citrateation of the scientific documentation behind our pronature made magnesium citrate 400 mgbiotics these years,” says senior manager Charlotte Hemmingsen, human health acalcium citrate 500 mgnd nutrition product rextralife zinc 25 mg gluconategbluebonnet calcium magnesiumistration and documentation.###“The Korean MFDS’s recognition calcium citrate magnesium zinc kirklandof the documented healtiron fumarateh benefits of RC-14 and GR-1 works as motivational tamagnesium citrate for muscle spasmsilwind izinc citrate and zinc gluconaten this proc068958016801ess. We have been working on the dossier since mid-2013 and it was submitted in January 2014.”


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