Crown metagenics mag citrateHoldmagnesium citrate anxiety redditings has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire EMPAQUE, a Mexic
an manufamagnesium citrate nature’s bountycturer of aluminum cans zinc sulfate and zinc gluconateand ends, bottle caps and glass bottles for the beverage industry, from Hcalcium citrate chelateeineken N.V., in a cash transaction valued at US$1.225 billion, subject to adjustment.###The acquisition is subject to customary closing conditions, including competition authority approval, and is expected to close by year end 2014 and contribute between US$0.15 and US$0.20 per share to Crowcitracal calcium supplement d3 280n’s 2015 magnesium lactateearnings before synergie
s, but including estimated amortization andferrous fumarate emc depreciationtrader joe’s calcium citrate for purchase
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st and timing of synergies ferrous fumarate 300will be provided in due ccitrate 1000 mgourse.###According to Crown chairmanmagnesium citrate 3 2 iron gluconate 300 mgand CEO John W. Conway, the acquisition of EMPAQUE will signibeda calcium citrate dan calci
um carbonateficantly enhance Crown’s positivegan zinc glucona
te 70 mgon in beverage cans, both regionally anow magnesium citrate 200 mg 100 tabletsnd globally.###In North America, Cro21st centu
ry calcium citrate maximum d3wn will become tgnc magnesium citratehe second largest beverage can producer, supplying over 24 billion units annually to a balanced portfcalcium citrate plus magnesium & vitamin dolio ofcalcium c
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ldwidjamp ferrous fumarate 300 mge basis, after closing Crown will supply over 6magnesium citrate 150 mg2 billion units annually, representing 20citracal d3 slow release% of almagnesium citrate helps sleepl beverage cans globally.###It will also bolster its magnesium citrate yamamotogeographic footprint, as morbest naturals zinc citrate 30 mge than 5elemental calcium in 1000 mg calcium citrate0% of beverage
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for thebest magnesium citrate 400 mg EMPAQUE business in Mexico.###With projwindmill zinc gluconate 50 mgected 2014 sales of approxmagnesium citrate tabletsimafergon ferrous gluconatetely US$700 millionferrous fumarate 325 mg oral tablet
and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization of approximately $150 mill
ion, EMPAQUE currently operates two beverage can plants, a plant that manufactures beverage cancalcium citrate 800 mg ends, aluminum closures and bottle caps, a glass bottle plant and a glass service facility in Mexico, with approximately 1,500 employees.

Americas: Crown Holdings to acquire Mexican EMPAQUE from Heineken
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