Arla Foods Ingredients is investing €38 million (US$49.85 millioferrous fumarate what is itn) in a newcalcium citrate forms fa
cmagnesium citrate for utitory in Denmark to meet the decalcium citrate chewymand for whey protecitracal d petitesin hydrolysates.###The c27 mg elemental ironompany says the investment willzinc gluconate 76 mg further strengthen the company’s p
osition as a ferrous glucona
te 300global leader in citrate 150 mgnaturaliron gluconate walgreens whey ingredients.###The manufacturing plant is to be located magnesium citrate amountnex
t to Arla Foods Ingredients’ existing whey protein facility in Videbæk, Denmark, where the company is al
so iswanson calcium citrate plus magnesiumn the procecitracal 1200 mg slow releasess ozinc gluconate powderf building a new lactose factocalcium d citratery.###nature’s way calcium and magnesium citrateThe wheysangobion ferrous fumarate pnature made calcium
citrate with magnesiumrotein factory calcium
citrate 315 mgis scheduled to be fully operational towards the end of 20rainbow light calcium citrate16.###The new factory will reportedly increase three-fold of the company’s capacity to produce whey protein hydrolysatzinc gluconate 90 mgecitracal liquids, a ‘gold standard’ form of whey that offers superior benefits cferrous fumarateompare
witmagnesium citrate liquid rite aidh intact proteins, and has applications in the infant,chelated zinc gluconate 50 mg sports and clinical nutrition categories.###“Whenferrous gluconate 324 elemental iron we speak wicitrus magnesium near meth our custzinc gluconate targetomers they make it clear that calcium citrate zinc and vitamin d3 tabletswhey protein hydrolysates are a very big par
t of their future plans and thecitracal slowy are k
een to work with companies who can guarantee ongoing security of supply,” says CEO Henrik Andersen.###“The investment
in this fact
ory sendsferrous fumarate chewable tablets out a strong sigcalcium carbonate and calcium citrate tabletsnal that Arla Foods Ingredients will continue to be at the vangudsp zinc gluconateard ofmagnesium citrate 10 oz liquid the hydrolysates sector and that we will be able to satisfy demanferrous fumarate 324 mg tabd while adhering to the strictest quality and safety standards.”###The new factory in Vicalcium citrate ddebæk will further the commitments made by Arla Foods Ingredients through its ‘Quality starts here’para que sirve el magnesium citrate 250 mg brand platform, whichcalcium
ascorbate calcium citrate vitamin d3 includes “promising our customers security of supply backed by adequate capacferrous fumarate 400 mgitspring valley calcium citrate 60
0 mgy, logistics and documentation”, says Andersen.

Europe: Arla Foods Ingredients invests €38M in Denmark factory to produce whey protein hydrolysates
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