Europe: Linpac Packaging, Addmaster release bug-busting packaging for fresh meat

Linpac Packaging, and Addmaster, a supplier of perfcalcium citrate liquid formormance additives to industrycentrum calcium citrate, have developed a range of trays and lidding films with bcaltrate chewable calcium citrateuilt-instandard process magnesium lactate antimicrobial technology to reduce bacteria growth on the outer packaging of fresmagnesium citrate glycinate malate supplementh meat.###Addmaster’s Biomastercalcium citrate vitamin d3 zinc and magnesium tablets antimicrobial technology iferrous fumarate pillss a silver-bcitrate 200 mg tabletsacalcium magnesium citratesed additive that can be added into any plastic, paper,super magnesium aspartate lactate and citrate textile, paint or coating product.###The treated products have mag citrate liquid for constipationreportedly been proven to reduce thecalcium citrate with vitamin d3 tablets growth ozinc gluconatef Cprenatal vit w fe fumarateampylobacter on their ferrous fumarate 150 mgsurface by up to 99.99%.###“While the correct handling and preparation of food by consumers at home prevents contamination, our work with Addmaster is addressing concerns raised by our customers and is helping tferrous fumarate 65 mghem to reduce the chances of bacterial growth on the outer packaging of fresh meat products in the stagebayer citracal slow release 1200s between farmzinc glu and fork,” savitamins for life calcium citrate plus vitamin d3ys Alan Davey, director calcium citrate vitamin d zinc copper manganese magnesiumof innovation at Linpac Packaging.


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