Food and beverage companies regularly obscure thenutricost magnesium citrate negative health effects of over-consuming sugar when trying citracal chewsto influence food policy, according to a new recalci
um citrate recommended daily intakeport from the Center fozinc gluconate percent elemental zincr Science and Democracy at the Union of Concerned Scicalcium citrate puritan’s prideentists (UCS).###The report, Added Sugar, Subtracted Science, comes as the US Congress debates allowferrous fumarate 300 mg priceing states to opt out of federal schobariatric chewable calcium citrateol solaray calcium citrate 1000 mglsolaray cal mag citrate plus d 3 & k 2unch magnesium citrate for anxietystandards and as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA
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Americas: Sugar industry obscures science when influencing policy, says report
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