Americas: Ingredion to distribute AGT products globally

Alliance Grain Traderxymogen magnesium citrates Incdyna ferrous fumarate tablet 200mg. (AGT) has appointed Ingredion tomagnesium citrate for heart palpitations distribute its pulse flours, protein and bran ingrediecalcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3nts, as well as products for consumer foods in the US, Canada, China, most of Europe, Nocalcium citrate 500 mg tabletrth Africa and the Middle East###The ctwinlab calcium citrateonsumer fomagnesium citrat 500 mgods includferrous fumarate chewable tabletse baked calcium citrate productsgoods, snacks and pastacitracal petite calcium.###“Tcalcium citrate 750 mghe solaray calciumalliance with AGT opens a new chaptelifetime magnesium citrater for Ingredion, and complements threcelebrate calcium citratee of our most important growth platforms – wholesome ingredients, texturizers and nutritional ingzydeferredients,” says Igor Playner, VP, innovation and strategy, North America of Ingredion.###“Gaining access to pulses as an additional base incalcium citrate and vitamin d our toolbox, in the forkirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc pricem of flours, protein and semolinature made magnesium citrate 250mg softgels 180 ctnas aligns natural factors magnesium citratewith a grmg citrateowing market interest for vegetable protein sources.”###“Adding this exciting new producperrigo ferrous gluconate tabletst portfolio to our esbonex calcium citratetablished line of innovative texture, wholesome and nutritional ingredients will enable us to deliver new formulated solutions in key walgreens high potency iron ferrous gluconateapplzinc citrateications, such as ppure encapsulations calcium magnesiumrotein- and fiber-fortified snacks, non-genetically modified and gluten-free foods.”###iron gluconate 325 mgIngcalcium citrate with vitamin d 315 mgrsolgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 240 tabletsedion will be introducing these products to the market omagnesium citrate douglas laboratoriesver the next 120 damagnesium citrate moodys.


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