Cargill has launched IngreVita, which is a blend of high oleic canola oil, fish oil and prswanson iron citrateoprietary an
tioxidants, denatural factors calcium & magnesium citrate with d3livers long-chacalcium citrate 1040in omega-3s (docosahexsolgar calcium magnesium with vitamin d3 liquidaenoic acimagnesium glycinate and citrate supplementd [DHA] and eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]), essential nutrients for heart health and brain development.###“zinc gluconate 30 mg tabletCcitracal 1200onsumers tell us
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r added nutrition in the foods they buy, and there is a growing awareness of the benefits of omega-3s,” said Kristineferrous fumarate 500 mg Sanschzinc gluconate 50 mgagrin, marketing manager of speccitracal z tabletialty seeds and oil Cargill.###Besides the handliferrous gluconate 325 mg walgreensng of the productamazon ferrous gluconate that is similar to canolabariatric advantage calcium citrate amazon oil, it offersstandard process magnesium lactate shelf stabiro
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Americas: Cargill launches oil blend rich in DHA, EPA for heart and brain health
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