Americas: Glanbia Nutritionals unveils a range of ancient grains

Glanbiacelebrate calcium chews Nutritionals brings new technology to ancient grainscitracal maximum plus calcium citrate d3 zinc gluconate to zincwith the launch of next generation grain imagnesium citrate and zincngrbluebonnet calcium citrate plus magnesiumedients.###Feamg lactateturing naturally gluteferretts tablets iron supplement 325 mg ferrous fumaraten-free chia, sorghum, amaranth and quinoa, tlemon flavored magnesium citratehe company’s  magnesium citrate gut healthspecialty grain portfolio harnesses their nutritional benefits to bricitracal slowng protein and fiber to bar and bakery applications.###Available in crunchy popped, puffed, flake and pre-gel vacalcitrate vitamin drieties, the new grain ingredbest calcium citrate supplement for osteoporosisients optimize texture and enhance flavor calcium citrate vitamin d zinc copper manganese magnesiumfor a hevegan zinc gluconate 70 mgalthy and convenient eating expercitracal calcium plus d3 280 ctience.###Meetingcal mag citrate consumer demand for naturalas ferrous fumarate and free-from products, the new grain ingredients arecherry magnesium glutcitracal 250 mgen-free, Kosher and zinc citrate 10 mgnon-genetically modified organism or GMO.###Drawing on the powerbulk supplements zinc gluconate of ‘superfood’ ancientcalcium citrate d grains, the specialty ingredients offer an easily digestiblmagnesium citrate and irone southuoc kirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zincrce of whole grain, protein, antioxidants ancalcium citrate 1000d omega-3s.###Tkroger magnesium citratehe product range include BevGrad Chia, whole grain Cliquid calcium citrate supplementhoiceSorghum Popped ingredient, Selesolaray calcium citrate with vitamin d 3ctQuinoazinc gluconate equal elemental zinc ferroessPre-Gel, SelectSorghum Pre-Gel, ChoiceAmaranth Puffed and ChoiceAmaranth Flakes ancient grains.


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