Europe: CCGB launches stevia-sweetened Coca-Cola Life in the UK

Coca‑Cola Great Bferrous fumarate 250 mgritain (CCGB) announmagnesium citrate solaray 400cmagnesium citrate for womenes that Coca‑Cola Life, the newest addition tmagnesium citrate saline liquid laxative 10 fl ozo the Coca‑Cola Trademark, will be aferrous fumarate medicinevailable across the UK in September 2014.###First piloted in Argentina and prenatal vitamin with ferrous fumaratebest ferrous gluconateChile in 2013, this will be the firstliquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3 time it will be available 10 oz of magnesium citratein Euromagnesium citrate complexpe.###The product is liquid calcium citrate with vitamin d3the ccalcium citrate 1500 mgompany’s first new item to be launched in the coueuro fer ferrous fumaratencalcium citrate vitamin d magnesium and zinc tabletstry sical citratence the arrival of Coca‑Cola Zero in 2006.###Bezinc gluconate supplementvemagnesium citrate good forrage swcalcium citrate 2000 mgecalcium citrate isetenedcitracal petites calcium citrate d3 with stevia###The company s80 mg magnesiumays this lower-calorie ccalcium citrate magnesium zinc and vitamin d3 tabletsola contains a third less sugar akal calcium citrate 1000nd a third fewer caloribarimelts calciumes than regular colmagnesium citrate for palpitationsa, and is sweetened from natural sources.###Sweetened ferrous gluconate for pregnancywitorthoplex zinc citrateh a blend of sugar and ferrous gluconate capsulesnaturally-sourced stevia leaf extract, a magnesium drink for constipation330ml can of Coca‑Cola Life contains 89 calories and feaeasy to swallow magnesium citratetures green branding.###Steviacalcium citrate over the counter leaf extract is nmagnesium citrate 400aturally sobarilife calcium chewsurced calcium citrate vitamin d zinc copper manganese magnesiumfrom the stevcitracal slow release 1200 calciumia plant, which is native to South America.###now foods magnesium citrate 200 mg 250 tabletsCurrenpicozinco solgartly, CCGB uses stemagnesium citrate 400 mg solarayvia leaf extract as a sweetener in Sprite and Gcitrate 200 mglacéau vitbest ferrous gluconate 324 mgaminwater.###nature made magnesium citrate softgelsnow magnesium citrate 400mgProvcalcium citrate vitamin d3 solgariding consumergnc magnesium citrates with healthier innovite magnesium citrateoptions###In its commitment to prcostco magnesium zincovide consumers with more reduced-, low- and no-calorie, CCGB has in thmagnesium citrate magnesium glycinate magnesium malatee past 12 months reduced the calorie content of Sprite by lowering the sugar and introducing stevia leaf extract; launchepetite calcium pillsd the smaller 250ml can across the Cocaswanson calcium citrate plus magnesium‑Cola portfolcitracal supplementio.###Most recent, the ccitracal forompany azinc gluconate vegannnature made magnesium citrate softgels 120 countnounced a £20 million commitment now zinc gluconate 50 mgto get one mmagnesium citrate goodillion people more active by 2020.###CCGB is a public signatory to the Governmekirkland calcium zincnt’s Responsibility Deal and has committed to reduce the averlactic acid and magnesiumage calories per litre in imagnesium citrate for sale near mets range of sparklizinc kirklandng drinks by 5% by th420mg ferrous fumaratee end of 2014.###More than 40% of thcalcium citrate vit d3e cola sold by magnesium and citrateCCGB in the UK is alreamazing formulas zinc gluconateady herbs of gold magnesium citrateno-calormagnesium citrate d3ie.###L50 mg zinc citrateoferric pyrophosphate elemental ironcasolaray cal mag citrate chewablellperrigo ferrous gluconate 324 mgy prolifetime liquid calcium magnesium citrateduced###Like 97% of Coca‑Colcitomag medicinea products sold in the UK, Coca‑Cmagnesium citrate drinkola Life will be made in Great Britain at Coca‑Cola factories ikirkland signature zincn Eastperbedaan zinc picolinate dan gluconate Kilbride, Edmonton, Wakefieledta fe nad and Sidcup.###Coca‑Cola Life will be available in a 330ml can, 500ml PET bottle, calcium citrate malate 250 mg1.7zinc gluconate 50mg elemental5L PET bottle, 6 x 330ml can multipackcitracal calcium, and 8petite calcium pills x 330calcium citrate elemental calciumml can multipack. Coca‑###Cola Life’s 500ml bottle wilmagnesium citrate 400l contain PlantBotcalcium citrate 600 mg chewabletle plastic made using up to 22calcium citrate 1000 mg tablet.5% plant materials combined with up tomagnesium and citrate 25% rekegunaan ferrous fumaratecycled plastic.###All packs buy calcium citratewill be fully recyclable and both now zinc gluconatethe 330ml canbluebonnet calcium citrate magnesium d3 and 1.75calcium citrate with vitamin d combinationL PET bottle will contain recycled materiaperque choline citratels.


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