Europe: Cocoa farmers’ lives improved, supply sustainable, finds Cargill report

Cargill has released its first global progress report on its actferrous gluconate with milkiviliquid calcium magnesiumties citracal calcium supplement maximum plus d3to support cocoa farmers, magnesium lactate sr 84 mgcommunities and tferrous gluconate 28 mghe development of a sustainable global cocoa supply chain.###The report entisolaray zinc citratetled A thriving cocoa sectbluebonnet calcium magnesium vitamin dor for generations to come highlights the progress the company has made since its work began over a decade agomag citrate tablets abluebonnet calcium citrate plus vitamin d3nd the Cargill Cocoa Promise was launched in 2012 to align its effferrous fumarate with vitamin corts.###“Our ambsolgar vitamin calcium magnesium d3ition is to accelerate progress towards a supply chain that is transparent, enables fsolgar zinc 30 mgarmers to achieve better incomes and liviiron gluconate liquidng standards, and delivers a sustainable suferrous gluconate amazonpply of cocoa and chocolate pcalcium chews 500 mgroducts”, said Jos de Loor, president of Cargill’s cocoa and chocolate business.###“We believe educated, emnatures aid magnesiumpowered and successful farmers are essential to meeting the challenges facing the cocoa and chocolate sector. 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