Europe: EFSA gives safety green light to Phoenix Technologies’ rPET process

The Europferrous gluconate ironean Food Safety Authority (Eallergy research group zinc citrate 25FSA) has given Phoenix Technologies International the green calcium citrate and magnesium supplementslight for its manufacturing process based on extra small particle 420mg ferrous fumaratesizeliposomal iron pyrophosphate technology.###EFSA’s Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings calcium citrate chewyanbest ferrous gluconated Procezinc gluconate 90 mgssing Aidscalcium citrate magnesium and vitamin d3 is responsible for the recycling pchewable calcium citrate for bariatric patientsrocess safety assessment.###The panel conccalcium citrate vitamin d3 zinc and magnesium tabletsluded that “the recycled PET obtained from the process Phoenix ESPS [extra scalcium citrate d3 magnesiummall particle size] intended to be used at up to 100% for the manufacture of materials and articles for contact with all types of foodstuffs for long term storage at room temperature, with or withoucitracal d3 maximumt hot-fill is nosolaray cal mag citratt considered ferrous fumarate ferrous sulfateof safety concern.”###“The reason Phomagnesium citrate in storeenix pursued this certification is because many of our rPET customermagnesium citrate and vitamin cs are large global brand owners who sell their products into the Eferric pyrophosphate folic aciduropean marketplace,” said Lori Carson, directomag citrate supplementr of ccalcium citrate 1000 mg chewableommercial operations.###“This certification gives them an additional comfozinc gluconate lozengesrt level that rPET produced via this process can be used as acalcium citrate mgn ‘up to’ 100% replacement for vferrous gluconate ironirgin PET without any s033984004306afety iscitracal tabletsues.”###Phoenix’scalcium citrate with vitamin d 3 recycling process has been allocated tcitracal chewable calcium citratehe citracal discontinuedEU registerite aid magnesium citrater iron ferrous fumarate 60mgNo RECYC035.###Additionally, tbest calcium citrate supplement for womenpalafer 300 mghe company previously has been issued “letters of no objection” for its rPET small particle process byzinc gluconate ou picolinate the Uchewable calcium citrate with vitamin d and magnesiumS Food & Drug Administration and Health Canadacitracal calcium citrate petites stores.###The company’s proprietary rPET techbariatric calcium citratenology is used to produce packaging cospring valley calcium citrate 600 mgntainers and bottles fferrous fumarate 400 mgor food, bevecvs magnesium tauraterages, pharmaceuticals, shampoos, soapkalsium citrates and detergents.###Its resins are also used in nomagnesium citrate healthlinen-pabest calcium citrate supplementckagiferrous fumarate 162mgng applications such as str75 mg ferrous fumarateanatural factors zinc citratepping and carpeting.


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