Americas: McDonald’s honors Cargill with seven awards

Msolgar calcium citrate 1000 mgcDonald’s has honored Cargill with seven “Best of Sucalcium citrate 315 mg with vitamin dstainabcalcitrate 950 mgle Supply” awards, incalcium citrate without magnesiumcluding two category winners fzinc citrate vitamin shoppeor community impact and economics.###The awards aim toferrous gluconate 35 mg recognize outstanding supplier leadership in hmagnesium citrate lifeelping to provide a safe, sustainable and assured supply of food and products for the customers of the fast food chain, and to enccalcium citrate rite aidouracitracal calcium slow releasege thferrous fumarate usee sharing of best practices in sustainability.###“The sevferrous fumarate is ironen projects honorbronson magnesium citrateed today range from work we do in direct partnership with McDonald’snature’s supreme magnesium citrate to initiatives we lead as we make corporate responsibility integral to our day-to-day operations,” sastress relax magnesium citrateid Pete Richter, head of Cargill’s McDonald’s Busimanfaat zinc picolinate and gluconateness Unit.###The Cargill projects reaspartate lactate and citrate que escognized by McDonald’s are helpcalcium citrate magnesium vitamin d3ing reduce environmental impacts, improving sustainability and enablamazon citracaling farmers and rurcalcium citrate 2000 mgal communities solgar calcium vitamin dto prosper. They include:###Thfergon iron supplement 325 mgese seven Cargill projects were among 51calcium citrate 315 200 honored by McDonabariatric advantage chewable calcium citrateld210 mg ferrous fumarate’s with its calcium citrate 1000 mg with vitamin d2014 Best of Sustainable Supply awards.


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