Hong Kong has reduced the fees for applibuy liquid magnesium citratecations for small volume exemption (SVE) from Nutrition Labelling, fergon 325if they have ferrous fumarate for pregnancybeiron supplements 325 mg ferrous gluconateen submitted through electronic harga ferrous fumaratemeans through the Food Impor
t Control System (FICS).###The fees for new and renewal applicationl carnitine magnesium citrates have beupcal d3en reduced f
rom $zinc gluconate to zinc345
to $335 ancitracal petites calcium citrated $265 to $magnesium oxide citrate250 respectively.###Thenature made magnesium citrate softgelsse applications are necessary under thecal
cium citrate rite aid country’s new Food and Dcalcium
citrate magnesium and zinc 500 tabletsrugsiron gluconate 324 mg (Composition and Labeferrocite ferrous fumaratelling) (Amendment) Regulation 2014.###H
ong Kong introduced the Nutrition Labelling Schemzinc gluconate 30mlenature made magnesium citrate 250 mg 180 softgels (NLS)farzincol zinc gluconate for prepackaged food iiron f
erric pyrophosphaten 2zinc gluconate ou picolinate008.###To minimize its impact on opurity calcium citrate plusfood choiccalcium citrate mason naturale, the government has also established aferritin gluconaten SVE scitr
acal plus vitamin dcheme undsolaray cal mager the NLS
.###Any prepackamag lactate 84 mgged food with annual sales zinc gluconate 30mlvolume in Hong Kong not exceeding 30,000 units that does not carry nutrition claimmag cits on its label or in any adve
rtisement will be exempted from the nutritferrous fumarate wit
h foodion labelling reliquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3quirements.###In addition to submission by mail, fax, email or in person, companies may submit SVE applications oliqu
id magnesium citrate laxativer welles
se calcium citraterenspring valley calcium citrate 600mg 300countewal applicationscalcium citrate 600 mg with vitamin d3 by electronic means throcalcium citrate 600 vitamin d 400ugh the FICS.###“Having regard to
the experience gained in processing electronic applications, the CFS has streamlcountry life calcium citrate wi
th vitamin dined the relevant work procedures and upgraded its computer system, effectively reducing the processmagnesium citrate availabilitying time and cost of applications,” says a CFS spokesman ocalcium citrate d3 magnesiumf the Foomagnesium citrate for womend and Environmental Hygiene Deparzinc gluconate 50 mg tablettment.###“Upon review on a full-cost recferrous fumarate 162mgovery bnature’s plus magnesium citr
ateasis, thpara que s
irve el citrate de magnesiume fees conckal calcium citrate 1000 mgerned can be reduced accorbeda zinc picolinate dan zinc gluconatedingly.”###“The u
sferric pyrophosphate vitamin ce of electronic applications will save paper and is in line with the governferrous fumaratement’s policy on environmental protection. The reduction of fcalcium citrate 1200 mgees will encoucalc
ium and magnesium citraterage traders to submit their applications through the FICS.&docusate and ferrous fumarate#8221;

Asia Pacific: Hong Kong’s Center for Food Safety reduces certain fees for small volume exemption from nutrition labelling
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