Asia Pacific: Danone raises stake in China’s dairy company Mengniu

Danone has announced an agreemepetite calcium tabletsnt, together with COFCO Dairy Investments, to subscribe a reserved rights issue by China’s fungsi zinc gluconateleading dairy nature’s bounty magnesium citratecompany Mengniu, raisinallergy research group zinc citrate 25g its interest in this company from 4.0% to 9.9% for an investbig friends magnesium citratement of €486 million (US$674.5 million).###The transaction mcalcium citrate 1000 mg elemental calciumakes Danone the second largesviactiv calcium citratet shareholder in Mengniu, acalcium citrate liquid walgreensnd follows on from magnesium de citrateagreements signed on May 20, 2013 with Mengniu and with COFCO, China’s largest state-owned foodmagnesium lactate reddit company.###In parallel, COFCO, Danone and Arla — Mengniu’s three core shareholders — will combine their stakes (16.3%, 9.9% and 5.3%, recitrate calcium costcospectively) within COFCO Dairy Investments, a jointly-owned company pooling all threcitrus liquid laxativee sharezinc gluconate 100 mg tabletholders’ nature’s truth zinc gluconateinterestpetite calcium pillss in the governance of Mengniu.###The transacsắt ferrous fumaratetion is subject to the amagnesium citrate glycinate malate supplementpproval calcium citramateof Mlife extension calcium citrate with vitamin dengniu’s shareholders, and is expected to be fpure zinc citrateinalized within the next few months.


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