Europe: Zetes launches packaging execution system ZetesAtlas

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configuration errors kal calcium citratewith packaging identificationmagnesium citrat systems, as there is no visibility and trjamp fer 300 mg ferrous fumarateaceability of actions, events and data, no data aggregation and no automated control.###“Without a PES and, therefore, without integration of all pacsyp zinc gluconatekagbest choice magnesium citrateing lines with the ERP of the company, the wholcalcium citrate 200 mge traceability of products is jeopardized as vitamin d and magnesium citrateyou cannot guarantee that the identification and control processes was flbulk supplements magnesium citrateawless,” says Pascal Longchambon, head of the ZetesAtlas Business Solution Group.###Full magnesium citrate gut healthcontrol overbest liquid calcium citrate calcium citrate magnesium zinc and cholecalciferol tabletsthe packcalcium citrate malate 1250 mgagingnatural factors zinc citrate line###ferrous fumarate suitable for vegetariansThe company sacvs citracalysbariatric advantage chewy 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With the emergence of new data carriers, which allow more data to be encoded (for example, “best before date”) and item lenow magnesium citrate with glycinate and malatevel identification, companiezinc citrate swansons understand the need for a solution that allows thekirkland magnesium and zincm to efficiently manage and orchestrate the whole pamagnesium citrate glycinateckaging identificaticalcium citrate chews 500 mgon process. ZetesAtlas has filed this gap in the market.”


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