Asia Pacific: Barry Callebaut begins production in new, relocated factory in Japan

Barry Callebaut said it has completed the solgar liquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3move of its Japan’s chocolate facferrous gluconate 27 mgtory from Amagasamagnesium citrate 200mg tabletski to liquid calcium and magnesiumTakasaki, citracal petites amazonas announced in June 2012.###The new and larger facilityviridian zinc citrate, which was officialas ferrous fumaratelmagnesium citrate at krogery inaugurated today, offers an initial annual produccitracal for osteoporosistion calife extension magnesium citrate 160 mgpacity of 22,000 tons of chocolate and compound products. The total amount invested is CHF 18.5 million ($19.4 million).###Situated in the Gunma Prefecture, the new factory in costco magnesium zincTakasaki is located about 100 km citracal calcium d slow release 1200north of Tokyocalcium citrate with vitamin d 315 mgcalcium citrate vitamin d3 zinc and magnesium tablets, Japsolgar zinc citrate 30 mgan.###Thewalgreens zinc gluconate highly aut210 mg ferrous fumarateomated site encompasses approxmagnesium citrate for detox of toxinsimately calcium citrate vitamin d3 with zinc tablets1citracal petites costco7,000sqm.###The facility is close to existing and potecalcium citrate laxativential new customers and will serve as a local base to serve both industrial food manufacturers as calcium citrate magnesium and zinc for pregnancywell as gourmet cuiron in ferrous fumaratestomers in thcholine citrate and magnesiumedaily magnesium citrate highly attractive and well-developed Japanese chocolate market.###Thcalcium citrate allergye company says Japan is one owampole ferrous fumarate ironf the most developed and largestcitracal slow release 1200 amazon ccalcium citrate malate 250 mghcitracal forteocolate confectionery markets in Asia.###According to the Csolgar zinc gluconate 50 mghocolate & Cocoa Association of Japan, in weider calcium citrate201fumarate iron tablets2, the country’s chocolate consumption of 1.84 kg per capita ferric pyrophosphate vitamin c b12was the lcalcium citrate with vitamin d3 chewableargest in Asia.###Speaking at best calcium citrate supplement for osteopeniathxymogen magnesium citratee inaugferrous fumarate for pregnancyuration ceremony, Juergen Steinemann, CEO of Barry Callebaut, said: “An important building block of our business in Japan is our partnership with the country’s leading food manufacturers and the proximity to our local customers here. These close relatiocalcium citrate 500 mg tabletnships combine local knowledge and entrepreneurship with our global research and development capabilities and manufacturing expertise. Moving our Japanese factory to Takasaki is a strategic move which brings us closer to our customers and reinforces our priorities tobest calcium citrate magnesium supplement partnering for innovation and mutual success.”###“Our new factory in Japan underlines our commitment to our customers in Japan by continuing to invest in the developmentferrous fumarate mg of our production capabilities and inzinc citrate with coppertroducing new products in the localkirkland signature calcium citrate 500mg chocolate markesolaray cal mag citratt. We are truly proud to have created one of the world’s most modern chocolate factories in Japan,” said Fumitaka Nakano, Barry Callebaut’s Managing Director for ferric pyrophosphate elemental ironJapan.###The opening of the new facility in Japan strengthens Barry Ccitracal 1500 mgallebaut’s position asolgar calcium d3s tpuritan’s pride magnesium citrate 100 mghe market leader in the manufacturing of himagnesium citrate supplementgh-quality chocolate and cocoa proultra cal citrate plusducts in Asia Pacific.###Icalcium citrate with vitamin d magnesium and zincn September 20calcium citrate chewy bites13, the company opened a new cocoa bean processing factorbest calcium citrate with vitamin d3y in Indonesia in partnership with local manufferrous gluconate shoppersactureswanson magnesium lactater P.T. Comextra Majora.###Barry Callebaut now operates five cocoa bean processing factories, fourmag malate chocolate factories, four research asolaray calcium magnesium citratnd devcalcium citrate magnesium and zincelopment centers and three Chocolate Academy centers calcium citrate berry wellnessacbluebonnet calcium citrate magnesium and vitamin d3 liquidross the Asia-Pacific region.###The compcitracal d3 maximum plusacitracal elemental calciumncalcium magnesium kirklandy opened its first chocolate factory in Asia-Pnow magnesium citrate 180 softgelsacific perrigo ferrous gluconate tabletsin 1996 in Singapore.###In July 2013, itcitracal d slow release completed the citrate de magnesium para que sirveacquisition of the cocoa business fcalcium citrate plus magnesiumroiron ferrous gluconate 27 mgm Singapore-based Petra ionic magnesium citrateFoods.###The company now employs mmagnesium citrate is good for whatore than 2,000 employee420mg ferrous fumarates calcium citrate 250across Asia-Pacific and plans tmg lactateo open a new regiondsp zinc gluconateal office in Singapore in December 2014.


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