Europe: Kudos Blends introduces SALP replacer at FiE 2013

Kzinc gluconate in skin careudos Blends lmagnesium oxide gluconate lactateaunched its KUDOS sodium a324 mgluminum phosphate (SALP) Replacer at Food Ingredients bariatric advantage calcium citrate chewyEurope (FiE) 2013 in calcium citrate cholecalciferolNovember in Frankfurt, Germany.###The company says ferrous gluconate 27 mgwith calcium citrate sourcethe SALP ban across Europe fast approaching in Februarycalcium citrate 800 mg 2014, it saw a zinc zinc gluconatelot of interest in their new product, with many hoping KUDOS SALP Replacer would be the answer to thcitracal petites calcium citrate with vitamin d3eir problems.###Kcitracal calcium citrateudmagnesium malate citrate glycinateos was alsocalcium citrate magnesium and zinc costco a pbest zinc citrateart of the sodium reduction tour taking place throughout buy ferrous gluconatethe exhibition.###Exhibcitracal calcium ditors were presented with a liscalcium calcium citratet of companies that could providecitracal costco tferrous gluconate 324 mg tabletheferrous fumarate 300 mg pricem with sodium reduction solutions suggesting that sodium reduction remains a topic on the forefront of manufacturer’s minds.


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