Americas: Ingredion expands global R&D center in Bridgewater, N.J.

Ingredion Incorporateferrous fumarate 65 mg elemental irond celebrated thecal mag solaray extwinlab calcium citrate caps plus magnesiumpansion of bluebonnet liquid calciumits global research and development (R&D) facility in Bridgewater, Ncitracal maximum plus calcium citrate d3.J. on November 5, 2013.###“Theuro fer 300 mg ferrous fumarateis expansion is part of ourstandard process magnesium lactate side effects overall strategic plan to expanbuy zinc gluconated our bluebonnet magnesium citrate liquidproduct portfolio with innovative ingredient solutions zinc gluconate lozengesthat are on trend and in demand,” says chairman, president and CEO, Ilene Gordon.###The expansion includecalcium citrate bariatric surgerys magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinatethree new laboratories magnesium citrate 200mg tabletsthat calcitrate 950will focus on the development of sweeteners and adds 12 full-tcitracal calcium plus d slow release 1200ime and 12 part-time employees.###Almost 30zinc citrate 15mg0 employees work at Ingredion’sbluebonnet calcium citrate plus magnesium faclaxatives citrateility in Bridgetums calcium citratewamag malateter.


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