South Korea Consults on Enforcement Rule of Food Labeling Act

As revealed by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) on August 8, 2024, the draft of Eiron pyrophosphate liposomalnforcement Rule of Food Labeling Act1 was issued for public feedback until September 19, 2024. The authority mainly proposes to kal ultra cal citrateexpand nutrition label to all processed foods, mandate the high-magnesium citrate nhscaffeine label for swellness calcium citrate 120olid foods containing guarana, and intensify the labeling requirements for sugar alcohols and frozen foods.&nbbluebonnet calcium citratesp;###Food nutrition label displays the nutrient information of the food product, including the aberkley jensen calcium citrate with vitamin d3mounts of calories, sodium, carbohydrates, suganature’s way calcium citrate liquidrs, fats, proteins, trans fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol. To provide citizens with more health information on the foods they 21st century calcium citrate maximum d3consumed, MFDS proposes to expand the application scope of nutrition labels to all processed foods. According to the draft, foods subject to nutrition label are enlarged from the current 182 kinds tiron in ferrous fumarateo 259 kinds. The mandatory nutrition label will be implemented gradually based on enterprikal calcium citrate 1000 mgses’ sale scales, from 2026 to 2028. Details are as below:###Newly ferrous fumarate 200 mg tabletProposed Fomanfaat ferrous fumarateodmagnesium lactate dihydrate benefitss Subjmagnesium citrate for muscle spasmsect to Nutritcalcium citrate supplements chewableion Label (77 kinds)###Neverthelesalgaecal calcium and strontium citrate supplements, citracal maximum plus calcium citrate d3liquid magnesium citrate near methe authority also dracalcium citrate vitamin d3 with zinc tabletsfts out 30 food types exempted from nutrition labels, such as ice cubes, chewing gums, and other foods of less nutrition. Details are calcium citrate targetas follows:###To prevent teenagers firon fumarate elemental ironrom excessive caffeinferric pyrophosphate folic acide intake zinc gluconate for hair lossfrom high-caffeine jellies or other snacks, MFDS introduces the requirement to display a high-caffeine warning label on “solid foods containing guarana”, which is currently only apalgaecal calcium and strontium citrate supplementplicable to liquid foodmagnesium citramates.###According to the draft, after the regulation implementavitamin shoppe calcium citrate plus magnesiumtion, if guarana is used as an ingredient in the solid food, and the food’sbluebonnet calcium citrate caffeine contcalcium citrate with vitamin dent exceeds 0.15mg/g, the total caffeine caltrate chewable calcium citratecontent and a high-caffeine warning should be prominently displayed onzinc oxide and zinc citrate the package starting from 2026. More specifically, the three mandatory labeling items are:###With increasing market demands on lower-calorie products, more manufacturers are usmagnesium citrate nutritioning sugar alcohols as sweeteners instead of sumagnesium lactate dihydrat 470mggar. However, as overconsumption of sugar alcohols can lead to side effects like diarrhea, MFDS proposes tocitracal calcium d3 slow release 1200 expand the sugar alcohocalcium citrate 1040l warning to any product containing 10% or more sugar alcoholsolaray calcium magnesium vitamin ds.###The specmagnesium bowelific types and amounts of the calcium citrate calciumsugar alcohol should be clearly indicated. For example, &qumagnesium malate glycinate citrateotcitrate liquid laxative;Sugar Alcohol (D-Sorbitol 4%, D-Maltitol 10%)". Note, that the sugar alcohols permitted to be used as food additives include “lacalcium chews 500 mgctitol, mannitol, D-maltitol, D-sorbitol, erythritol, isomalt, xylitol, polyglycerol syrup, maltitol syrup, and D-sorbitol liquid”.###In addition, the warnmagnesium citrate 3 2ing statement, such as "This product contains sugar alcohols. Excessive consumptelemental calcium in 1000 mg calcium citrateion may cause diarrhea. (당알코올 함유제품으로 과량 섭취 시 설사를 일으킬 수 있습니다)”, should be displayed near the ingredient lisolaray calcium citrate chewablest ferric pyrophosphateand differentiated withcitracal 950 mg a contrasting background color.  ###Currently, frozen food products are required to display a warning stating "Do not refreeze after thawing (이미 냉동되었으니 해동 후 다시 냉동하지 마십시오thuốc magnesium lactate dihydrate 470 mg)." However, for ice cubes, ice solaray magnesium citratecreams and other fcalcium citrate liquid formoods consumed in their fgnc calcium citrate plusrozen state, no thawing process is needed. Therefore, these products are to be exempted magnesium glycinate citrate malatefrom this warning.


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