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st in the US, where sales of products featbluebonnet liquid calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3urizma magnesium citrateng sbest ferrous gluconate iron supplementprouted
grains are on track for ovspring valley calcium citrateer $25solgar calcium citrate with vitamin d30 million by 2018, predicts Mellentin.###Proof of the potential of sproutbig friends magnesium citrateed grains is snack brand Way Betferric pyrophosphate vita
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Fitness magazine.###In 2014, a survey conducted by Way Better wfred meyer magnesium citrateitalgaecal calcium
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or utited graincitrate ds and seeds.###The number olifetime high potency calcium magnesium citratef new proiron 27 mg ferrous gluconateduct launches wicalcium citrate dmth calcium petitessprouted grains is small – 19 in 2014 according tcalcium and
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joe’s calcium citrateains solgar zinc 30 mghave some basis in science.###According to US in
dustry body the Whole Grains Council:
• tzinc gluconate in foodhe amount of soluble fiber in sprouted grains is higher than in regular grains,
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• the nutrients in spmagnesium citrate productsrouted grains stand up to heat processing better than those in regular grains.

Americas: Sprouted grains in naturally functional trend in 2015, says analyst
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