Americas: 20-year distribution relationship ends, offers more choices for US’ coffee drinkers

US office refreshment provider, Corporate Essentials, has decided to end its nmagnesium with choline citrateearly 20-year distribution agreement with Keurig Green Mountcalcium citrate 1200ain, Inc. (KGM) and offer Keurig K-Cup compatible produmagnesium v magnesium citratects, including Mother Parkers’ RealCup brant ferrous fumarated single sefergon iron 325 mgrve capsules.###28 ferrous fumarate 200mg tabsOffice Coffee Service providers liksolgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 tabletse Corporate Essentials, who are zinc gluconate 30mlauthorized to sell the Keurig brand, are required to only provide customers Keurig K-Cup KGM -licensed products due to the terms ofzinc citrate bulk theicalcium mag citrater Keurig Authorized Distributor agreement.###“When the first Keurig K-Cup patentmagnesium lactate powders expired in 2012solaray calcium magnesium citrat and rogue ‘K-Cswanson calcium citrate plus magnesiumups’ flooded the market,calcium citrate 1500 mg chewable our clients inquired about them,” said Judson Kleinbluebonnet liquid calcium magnesiumman, president/CEO and founder of Corporate Essentials.###“And even thougferrous gluconate 256 mgh our clients regularly requested these products for their homesmagnesium citrate for sleep and offices, we respected and honored the terms of our agreement, only offering Keurig K-Cup licensed products. But with new innovation and higher-quality products in the citracal with magnesium discontinuedsingle-cup fersaday iron tabletsmarket, we decided it was time to make a cmagnesium calcitratehange in order to provide the best options for our clients.”###Corporate Essentials&#82calcium citrate chews 600 mg17; first post-Keurig partnerspring valley calcium citrate dietary supplement 600 mg 300 countship is with Canadian-based Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee Inc., which developed and manufactures the Keurig K-Cup compatible Rcalcium citrate forealCuferrous fumarate v ferrous sulphatep brand solution for coffee and tea brands including Tim Hortons Coffee, Marley Ccitracal calcium citrateoffee, Brown Gold coffees, Higgins & Burke, Numi and China Mist teas.###Without restrictions on the types of ppure encapsulations magnesiumcitratroducts k mg citratethat can be offered to clients, Corpokirkland vitamins calcium citrate magnesium and zincrate Essentials will also be able to reach beyond the relationship with Mother Parkers Tea & Cokirkland calcium magnesium zinc d3ffee to offer a wide variety of single serve capsulezinc glutamate products.###“I have to be honest, when one of our clients asks for a new coffee with the name of a TV chef or other coffee celebrity, itsolgar calcium magnesium citrate wnature made calcium citrate 500 mgill feel good to smagnesium citrate at targetay: ‘sure we can get that for you!zydefer” addedcalcium citrate injection Kleinman.###In addition kirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc priceto offering RealCup™ brand powdered magnesium citrateproducts and other ndouglas laboratories calcium citrateon-licensed single sercalcium citrate calcium contentve capsules to more than 1,500 corporate clients in New York City and New Jersey, the products will be made available through Corporate Essecalcium citrate magnesium and vitamin d3ntials’ website, which currently serves more than 50,000 homes.


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