Americas: Ganeden Biotech appoints South American distributor for probiotic ingredient

Ganeden Biotech has appointed Grupo Saporiti, S.A. to distribucalcium chews for bariatric patientste its GanedenBC30kirkland calcium zinc (Bacillus coazinc citrate p5pgulans GBI-30, 6086) in Argenmagnesium citrate at nighttina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cmagnesium citrate for stresshile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Venezuela.###“The South American population continues tomagnesium 64mg be increasingly concerned with health and wellness and are demanding functiomagnesium citrate v oxidenal foods and bevebayer citracal slow release 1200rages to help support a healthy lifestyle,” says Miciron 27 mg ferrous gluconatehael Bush, senior VP of Ganeden Biobluebonnet calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3tech.###“Our new relationship with Saporiti calcium citrate vitamin d3 solgarwill provide us the opportunity to introduce the unique capabiron ferrous gluconate 30 mgilities of GanedenBC30 to the South Americamagnesium citrate healthlinen market; while lecalcium citrate constipationveraging Saporiti’s 80+ years offerrous sulfate and fumarate education and experience.”###GanedenBC30 is a patented pcalcium citrate with vitamin d3 1000 mgrobiotic ingrebest calcium citrate supplement for osteoporosisdient that can be found in more tharga zinc picolinate and gluconatehan 100 leading food, beverage and companion animal products throughocalcium potassium citrateut the worldsolgar calcium magnesium citrate liquid.###Unlike most other probiotic strains, the ingredcitracal calcium citrate d3ient is a spore-former that is stablecalcium citrate mg and remain viable through most manufacturing processes, magnesium malate glycinate citrate triple complexup to three years of shelf life anbluebonnet calcium citrate magnesium d3d the low pH of stomach acidbest liquid calcium citrate supplement.###The efficacy of GanedenBC30 isiron gluconate 300 mg backed by 20 published studies showing digestive and immune suppphinaturals magnesium citrateort and hascitracal magnesium & minerals a safety record with FDA Genebluebonnet liquid calcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3rally Recognized as Safe sttwinlab calcium citrate caps plus magnesiumatus.


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