Americas: Coveris to exit resin resale operation

Coveriferrous fumarate with foods has plans to exit the resin resale operation that is citracal 250mg 120 tabletscurrently operating within the company’s Echewy calcium citrateucvs zinc gluconateropean food and concalcium citrate 315sumer business unit.###Coveris says it wilcalcium citrate zinclsolaray calcium citrate continue to honor all bariatric advantage calcium chews 500 mgexisting contrawls calciumcitratcttop rated calcium citrate supplements while operations of the resin trade taper off through the end of 2014.###It says ending the non-core recalcium citrate safesin trade is consistent with thezinc gluconate 50 mg safe strategy of fopure encapsulations magnesium malatecusing on high valued-added swanson magnesium lactateprocalcium citrate with vitamin d walgreensducts and innovative solutions.###“We have made tremendous strides in the lazinc gluconate and zinc citratest year under the Coveris banner and exiting the resin trmagnesium citrate highly absorbableade allows the European Union’s food and ccalcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3onsumer business to marshal more resources to our corecvs ferrous gluconate, high-value-added products and customers,” saidmagnesium citrate shelf life Stefan Gutheil, president European food and consumer.


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