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romote calorie awareness on all beverage company-controlled point-of-sale equipment nationwide, including more than country life magnesium citratethree million vending machines, self-ser324 mg iron pillsve fountain dispensers, and retail cnow zinc gluconateoolers in convenferrous glutamateience storliquid calcium and magnesiumes, restaurants and other locations.###Under the community initiative, each beverage company commits to focus efforts in communities where there has been less interest in and/orbuy ferrous gluconate access to options that help consumers reduce their calories with a swanson magnesium lactategoal of achieving 20% per
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hat is itUnitedbest calcium citrate for bariatric patients States is imperative to helping curb obesity.”###iron pyrophosphate uses220;We commenature made magnesium
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Americas: Alliance, beverage giants partner on reducing calories in beverages
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