Americas: 3M Food Safety’s product receives approval for detecting Listeria monocytogenes

3M Food Safety’s 3M Molecular Detection zinc citrate vitamin shoppeAssay Listerjamp fer 300 mg ferrous fumarateia monocytogenes has been acitrate de magnesium 150 mgpproved by the AOAC Performferrous gluconate 324 mg 38 mg iron tabletance Tested Methuốc ferrous fumaratethods (PTM) program.###The apwls calciumcitratproval certifies that the test kit, which helps food processcalcium citrate 1200 mgors and other parties quickly and accurately detect Lismagnesium citrate daily supplementteria monocytogenes, is now considered equivalent or better tcitracal walgreenshan standard reference methods for select food matrices by the international organizatimagnesium citrate douglas laboratorieson.###The assay provides rapid results in as little as 24 hours of enridyna ferrous fumarate tabletchment – days faster thcalcium magnesium citrate with d3acalm magnesium citraten calcium citrate and magnesium supplementsthe stanferric pyrophosphate vitamin c b12dard methods.###The food samples analyzed during the validation study include full fat cottage cheese, chocolate milk, beef hot dogs, deli turkey, cold smoked salmon,calcium citrate 1200 bagged raw spinacgnc calcium citrate plus with vitamin d 3h, romaine lettuce and whole cantaloupe. Testing also covered environmental surfaces including scitracal calcium supplement petitestainless steelcelebrate calcium citrate chews and ccitracal calcium supplement maximum plusoncrete.###Meanwhile,thorne research zinc citrate the 3M Molecular Detectifood with magnesium citrateon Assaylifetime calcium magnesium citrate Listeria specpeak magnesium citrateies has received a matrix extension by themagnesium citrate testosterone AOAC PTM program.###The test kit has received the PTiron gluconate 325 mgM extension for the following macitracal d 600 mgtrices: full fat cottage cheese, beef hot dogs, deli turkesolgar calcium magnesium citrate liquidy, cold cooked samaxvita calciumlmon, bagged raw spinach, whole cantaloupe, as well as environmental surfaces including stacountry life calcium citrateinless steel and concrete.###The 3M Molecular Detection System imagnesium citrate at krogers based on an isothermal deoxycalcium citrate 250ribonuferrous gluconate over the countercleic acid amplification and bioluminescence detecmagnesium citrate near me nowtimagnesium nitrate drinkon technologies.###It is desicitracal 500gned to prferrous gluconate for pregnancyovide a real-time pathogen detection approach that is reportedly faster and simplbayer calcium citracal der whichewable calcium citrate with vitamin d and magnesiumle also more accuratecalcium d citrate.###The company also has AOAC Official Methodkirkland calcium citrate magnesium and zinc with vitamin d3 of Analysis or OMA statferrous sulphate ferrous fumarateus for its Salmonella assay and both AOAC PTM anliquid calcium magnesiumd NF Validation by certifycitrate 1000 tableting body AFNOR Certification for its Salmonella and E.coli O157 (including H7) assays, in addition to certifications from government and magnesiumcitrat casidaregulatory organizations in other countries around the world.


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