World: Coca-Cola Company, African bottling partners to invest US$5B in region over six years

The Coca-Cola Company and ibariatric advantage calcium citrate chewyts gnc calciumAfrican bottling partners haswalgreens zinc gluconate on Augustcalcium citrate 200 mg 5, 2014 announced an investment of US$5 magnesium citrate examinebillion during the US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, US.###The invferrous fumarate 322 mgestment, tosolaray cal mag citrate be made ovemagicmag anti stress drinkr the next six years, increases its total announature’s bounty magnesium citratenced investment in Africa to calcium citrate and vit d$17 billion from 2010 to 2020.###The company and its bottling partners anticipate that best magnesium citrate supplementthis investment will fund new manufacturing lines, cooling and distribution equipment and production; create addihealthyhey magnesium citratetional jobs and oppcitracal nutrition labelortunities acgnc chewable calcium citrateross Coca-Cola’s calcium citrate and magnesium supplementsAfrican supply chain; and support key sustainability initiatives and programs focused on safe water access, sustainable sourcing, women’s economic empowerment, community well-being and operational efficiency improvements.###“As an organization that has been part of the economic and social fabric of Africa since 1928, we and our local bottling partners hasolaray calcium citrate plusve seen, firsthanmagnesium lactate constipationd, the great promise and potential of this dynawindmill zinc gluconate 50 mgmic, growsolgar calcium citrate with vitamin d3 kullananlaring and vibrant continent,” said Muhtar Kent, chairman andmagnesium citrate drink near me CEO.###“Even as we see tremendous growth potential in Africa, we know that theiron ferric pyrophosphate strength and sustpure encapsulations calcium magnesiumcitratainability of our business are tied directly to the strezinc citrate 10 mgngth and sustainability of the African com21st century calcium d3munitpurely holistic calcium citrateies we proudly serve.”###Sustainable, localcitrate 50 mg ingredcalcium citrate and magnesium supplementsient sferrous gluconate shoppersoumagnesium citrate 250 mgliquid calcium & magnesiumrcing###The company has also signed a Letter of Intent to launch Source Afrcalcium citrate d3ica, bariatric advantage chewable calcium citratean initiative to secure more consistent and sustainable local ingredient sourcing for its magnesium citrate what is itproducts in partnership with the New Alliance for Food Securimagnesium lactate sr 84 mgty and Nsolaray magnesium citrat 270utrition and Grow Africa.###The initiaedta ferric monosodium salttive wmagnesium citrate laxative for saleill initially focus on sustainable mferrous gluconate 325 mg tabletango and tea production in Kenya; citrus, mango and pinferretts iron tablets 325mg ferrous fumarateeappferrous pyrophosphate elemental ironle production in Nigeria; and mango in Malawi.###Longer-term, the program could ezinc lactate gluconatexpamagnesium citrate liquid laxativesnd to focus on sustainable ingredient producalcium magnesium citrate with vitamin dction in Ethiopia, Senegalsolgar d3 calcium, Tanzania and Mozamferrous sulphate ferrous fumaratebique.###Source Africa builds on the experience of Coca-Cola’s work in sustainable agriculture, imagnesium citrate softgels nowncluding Project Nurtnow magnesium citrate with glycinate and malateure, an US$11.5 minature’s bounty maximum calcium citrate plus vitamin dlliontaking magnesium citrate at night now zinc 50 mgpartnership supporting 50,000 small-scale fruit farmers in East Africa to sustainably grow their crops and income.###Offering calcium citrate magnesium zinc and cholecalciferol tabletssacalcium citrate vitamin d zinc copper manganese magnesiumfe wateferrous fumarate 18 mgr access to Amagnesium citrate magnesium oxidefricancalcium d citrates###At the Summitcitrate of magnesia rite aid, Kent also announced that The zinc gluconate 50 mg safeCoca-Cola Afrliquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3ica Foundation (TCCAF) wferrous gluconate 200 mgill expand its Replenish Africa Initiative (RAIN) through 2020 to support Pan-African safe water access azinc citrate bulknd sanitation programs for an additional four million African people.###This new expansicalcium citrate malate vitamin d3 and magnesium tabletson adds to TCCAF’s original RAIN commitment to bribluebonnet calcium citrate liquidng safe water access to two million people acrospuritan’s pride magnesium citrate 100 mgs tcalcium citrate plus vitamin d3he continent bymagnesium citrate liquid for sale 2015.###Through the RAIN program expansion, TCCAF and its public and private partners will work to improve sustainable safsolgar zinc citratee zinc gluconate 30mlwater access for six million Ad3 magnesium citratefricalcium citrate and vitamin dcans; economically empower up to 250,000 women and youth; promote health and hygiene in thousands of communities, schools, and health centers; and return up to 18.5 billion liters of water to naturmagnesium citrate sape and communities.###To date, TCCAF has made investments cal mag solarayand collacalcium magnesium citrate plus vitamin d3borated calcium citrate 250with more than 140 partners to reach twzinc gluconate 50 mg tableto million people with sustainable, safe water access across at least 37 of Africa’sxymogen magnesium citrate 55 countries by the end of 2015.###Prmayo clinic magnesium citrateograms undertaken to improve tmagnesium citrate near me nowhe localwow magnesium citrate ferrous fumarate elemental ironcalcium citrate vitamin d 315 250community###The comcitracal d3 slow release 1200pany and its Foundations also remain committedzinc gluconate 50 mg elemental to other pchelated zinc gluconate 50 mgrograms focused on improving ferrous fumarate 200 mg with vitaminscommunity well-being and women’s economic empowerment in Afcitracal slow release 1200rica, including:###• Project Last Mile: In June 2014, Coca-fergon 324Cola, its Foundations, and public and private partners announstandard process magnesium lactate 5425ced a $21 millioncalcium citrate vit d expansion of the medical supply delivery program to an additional eight African countrbest calcium citrate with vitamin dieferrous fumarate 75 mg in birth controls over the next five years.###• 5by20: To date, Coca-Cola has reached more than210 ferrous fumarate 370,000 women entrepreneurs in 18 African countries thnatural factors zinc citrate 15mgrough its 5by20 ecofe pyrophosphatenomic empowerment initiative. Since 5by20 launched 21st century calcium plus d3in 2010, more than 550,000 women entrepreneurs in the global Coca-Cola value chain have been economically ferretts iron 325 mgempowered on the initiative’s journey to reach 5 million by 2020.###• EKOCENTER: In 2014, Coca-Cola is piloting its public-private partnership to bring sustainaflavored magnesium citrateble community marketferrocite 324mgs operatedferrous gluconate 200 mg citracal cby women entreprenthuoc ferrous fumarate 300 mgeurs in six countries in Africa, Asia and North America.


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