Europe: Mauser’s Infinity plastic drum series win PackTheFuture award at interpack 2014

Mauser Group has received calcitratethe inaugural PackTheFuturecalcium citrate with vitamin d3 chewable – Sustainable Plastic Packaginreviva calcium citrate liquidg Award 2014 for its recently introduced Infinity placalcium citrate 950mgstic drum series at interpack 2014 held in May in Dusseldorf, Germaionic magnesium citrateny.###Comprised frocalcium citrate 1200m high quality recycled plastic material, the Mauser Infinity Series has been awarded icalcium magnesium lactatecalcium carbonate and calcium citrate tabletsn the ecodesign category as an innovation that is environmentally friendly thzinc gluconate 15 mgroughout the product’s entircitracal with vitamin d and magnesiume lifecycle.###The product calcium citrate no vitamin dbeat alcalcium citrate costcomost 50 entrnutricost tudca 250mgies to clinch tcalcium citrate vitamin d zinc copper manganese magnesiumhe acalcium citrate 333ward.###The new plastic drums pkroger magnesium citrateroduced from post-consumer resin (PCR) plastic materials cover the open top drum designcitracal petites with d3 O-Top from 30magnesium citrate 100L up to 220L capacity and the 220L capacitycitracal petites vitamin d tight head dmagnesium lactate biomedicarum L-Ring PLUS.###According to The PackTheFuture 2014 Innovation Book, the drums “close the material circuswanson calcium citrateit for industrial packaging approved for hazardous goods. From the new production, across the retrieval, cleaning and reprocessing and up to the matecalcium citrate vit d3rial recycling, this product iron ferrous fumarate 60 mgapproach covers the different levels of resouiron gluconaterce efficiency comprehensively – referrous fumarate 152 mgduce, reuse, recycle.”###“The extent of this process azinc citrate 50mgnd the concelebrate calcium plus 500sequence of the implementation is new – especially since this approach pure encapsulations magnesiumcitratcould be realizinc gluconate bulkzed imagnesium citrate 150mg tabletsn the technically and regulatory demanding segment of the UN approved dangerous goods packaging.’###The new PackTheFuture Award is based on an initiative of IK Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpacpure encapsulations calcium magnesiumkunbariatric chewable calcium citrategen e.V. (the German Association for Plastics Packaging and Fmagnesium citrate dailyilms) and ELIPSO, the French Pcitrate liquid laxativelastic and Flexible Packaging magnesium citrate for relaxationAssociation.###PackTheFuture 20calcium citrate chews14 was establiscvs calcium citratehed to recognize and hcitrate calcium costcoonor the innovative andeffervescent magnesium citrate crcasida magnesiumcitrateative potential of plastic packaging.


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