Just How Important is Transparency? For Food Purchases, Very

Imagine this scenario: you walk into your local grocery store and are presented with two options for your favorite style of cereal. One is packaged with a bunch of cartoon characters and images of the cereal, while the other presents its nutrition facts, ingredients and the process in which it is made clearly. Now imagine both of the products are identical. Which one do you pick?
Well, according to Label Insights 2016 Transparency ROI Study, nine in ten consumers note that transparency is important to them across every single food product category. Some 40% noted they would switch to a new brand if that new brand offered full product transparency. And whats more: about 73% would even pay more for a product that offered complete transparency in its packaging. According to Patrick Momagnesium citrate availabilityorhead, CMO of Label Insights:
Label Insight has long believed that there is a tangible return on investment with transparency of product information between brands and consumers This study reveals what matters most to consumers in terms of the products they use and consume, and draws a clear correlation between transparency and improved consumer trust, enhanced brand loyalty, and ovecitracal pregnancyrall long term value in repeat purchase.
The benefits of providing transparency on food products was wide-reaching, according to the company. They found thatcalcium citrate 500 81% of consumers would consider a brands entire portfolio of products after switching due to increased transparency. Brand trust was also boosted by transparency, with 94% of consumers saying they would be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency and 54% noting additional product information would make them trust a brand more. Whats more, Millennial Mmagnesium citrate liquid saline laxativeoms spending was also improved: 86% of 18 to 34-year old women with children would pay more for food products with completely transparent information.
Its not a secret that consumers are increasingly concerned with artificial ingredients, flavors and colors. GMOs continue to be a hot debate among consumers, legislators and more. But one thing seems certain: consumers just want the truth. And about 3 in 4 will be purchasing that cereal withel magnesium citrate para que sirve the proper nutrition facts presented.


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