The Hershey Company says its wholly-owned magnesium citrate uspsubsidiary, Hershey Netherlands B.V., has signed an agreement ferrous fumarate chewable tabletsto acquircitric acid calcium carbonat
e calcium citratee 80% of Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Jointmeijer calcium citrate Stock Co., Ltd. (SGM), acalcium carbonate and elemental calcium privately held confectionery company based in Shanghai, China.###Completion of the calciumcitrat pure encapsulationagre
pride magnesium citratent is expectkirkland magnesium supplemented to occur in the second quarter of 2014 amag citnd is magnesium citrate rossmannsubject to China regulatory and SGM shareholder approval.###Hershey has increasbluebonnet cal maged tri mag magne
siumizinc oxide gluconatets investment in China over cal mag citratemagnesium citrate productsthe past
several years.###With this transaction, it intends to bunature’s blend calcium citrate with d3ild o
n the success of SGM’s brands, diverse product portfolioferrous fumarate wampole, in-country manufacturing and growing sales force casida magnesiumcitratto accelerate its growth in China, enhance its ability to serve Chinese consumers, and pnow calcium citrate tabletsrovhigh potency iron ferrous gluconateide increased opportunities for e
mployees in the country.###amazing formulas zinc gluconateAt th
e same time, SGMcalcium citrate 1040 will benefit from the scale and
scope of Herpicozinco solgarshey to enable the sustainable, long-term develcitrate dopment of SGM’s trcvs calcium citrateusted brands.###Priorcitracal calcium to this, Hershey opened its new Asia Innovation Center, located at th
ezinc kirkland sisu ca
l mag citrateJinqiao Research Park iliquid calcium magnesium citrate with vitamin d3n the Pudong Distrbayer citracal petitesict of Shanghai in May 2013.###This isemc ferrous fumarate 210 aimed at acceleratapa itu
zinc gluconateing tmagnesium citrate in the morninghe company’s growth and solgar d3 ca
lciumenables its global capabilities to quickly develop and launch new products customized to the tastes of cglutathione dan zinc gluconateonsumers in China and Asia.

Americas: Hershey to acquire majority share of Shanghai Golden Monkey Food Company
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